[quote=@HenryJonesJr] Civil War (comics version) is one of the worst stories ever written. The movie version is much better, but I’m not a huge fan of big hero vs hero storylines [/quote] The movie version is hot garbage. I'm not saying the comics version (especially the sequel) is great comic book literature, but at least it has better moving parts and concepts. But yeah, it becomes a disjointed mess quite quickly. You want to know the best version of Civil War? [img]https://4d0850cecf2c5ce919d5-17b283ac00835b5ced4db83c898330a1.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/21439373_xbox-live-deals-with-gold-fe_f6ba2af3_m.jpg?bg=8B6761[/img] Don't @ me.