[quote=@Sep]For real though, after reflecting on our own events what's your favourite crossover event in comics? Or likewise, what's your least favourite? [/quote] You wanna talk a great crossover event, one that not only successfully mashed two franchises together, but basically made a franchise of its own that lasted throughout the height of comics' hottest period (and some shitty movies that killed the idea dead)? And also just happened to spawn my favorite video game of all time? [img]https://i.imgur.com/ynejZFA.jpg[/img] Boom, baby. Fucking [i]boom.[/i] [b]EDIT:[/b] Also, a criminally underrated crossover gem from the 90s was Robocop vs Terminator. Frank Miller back when it was still okay to like Frank Miller, art by Walt goddamn Simonson in top form, and a story that is just absolutely fucking bonkers. Go dig that one up some time, it's a hoot. [img]https://i.imgur.com/yZXfq0J.jpg[/img]