[hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBkNzI0NS5UV0Z5YVdwdUlFUnlhV1Z6YzJWdUlBLCwuMQAA/happyhanneke.regular.png [/img] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi44OGMwY2QuUTJGbGJHVmhJRUpoYVhKay4w/rainy-wind.regular.png[/img] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmNmNWNmZi5WSFY1Wlc0Z3hKQnZ3NkJ1LjAA/otterly-adorable.regular.png [/img] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjY2OTFmZi5UV2x1TFVwMWJpQkNZV1ZyLjAA/attic.regular.png [/img] [/center] [code]Hillview High – Mason Square[/code] [hr] Being pulled through the walls was like a dream, or probably closer to a nightmare. It didn’t seem real at all. The vaguely humanoid shapes, like shadows in the corner of their eyes, barely bothered Tuyen. She was all too used to seeing something like that. But the feeling, as if the walls were water pushing against her, was weird. Not pleasant to say the least. But they made it outside. And so did it. “Hagan!” Caelea stepped forward with an arm reached out, but she knew there was no chance she could him. She joined Justin in emptying the contents of her stomach. It was just too much to watch her friend was brutally murdered. He was an idiot for going for it, but that didn’t make his death any less harrowing. She wanted to be sick all over again just thinking about it. Everyone started running, and really it was the only thing to do. Caelea noticed Paige limped away at a pace that wouldn’t escape the glutton and, against her more logical thoughts, went over to her. She wasn’t exactly the helping people type [i]but[/i] she didn’t want to see anyone else die. “Let me help,” Caelea spoke through gritted teeth, going to wrap an arm around the taller girl. “Shit, we better leg it,” Rien turned away from the stomach turning death to Billy. They were still carrying Maddie between them so they already had a disadvantage to getting away. They started moving, hoping Billy would join them so they could drag Maddie between them. “Can’t say dying top of my list of things to do.” Tuyen just stared as Hagan was killed, screaming in her head but unable to vocalise it. She stood frozen, drained even now that her shadow had gone back to only been visible to her. It was all too much. Still, when Min grabbed her the fear set in and she ran as fast as him to get away.