[center] [h3][color=4863c0] Alice [/color] [/h3] [Hider=Inventory] 500P 1 Potion[/hider] [Hider=Team] Cici Appearance: [Img]http://i.imgur.com/IgYwSFg.png[/img] Species: Horsea ♀ Type: Water Personality: Lax Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: N/A Level: 6 Moves: Bubble Smokescreen Ability: [I]Sniper[/I] Boosts power of Critical Hits Held Item: N/A [/Hider] [/center] [hr] Alice squealed as the smoke settled, running to Cici to wrap her in a hug. She reached up and brushed what mud she could from her eyes, murmuring praise and affection the entire time, while the others spoke. [Color=4863c0]"You did amazing, Cici!"[/color] She stood up, carrying the little Pokemon, as she stepped up to the trainers they'd fought against. She held out a hand to each, speaking quietly to them. [Color=4863c0]"Simon.... Thank you for making me get creative and to better analyze the situation. You could be amazing, but you really should treat your friends with more care and respect. It's not fair to them to be treated like points on a paper, and I'll personally hit you if we meet again and you're still treating them poorly."[/color] Her voice carried a slight hint of anger to it before she turned to Vivia. [Color=4863c0]"Vivia.... I'm sorry the types were against you. Please don't beat yourself up, you did amazing with everything that happened. I think a little time to get Scraggy to trust you and for both of your confidences to grow you'll make a scary good team."[/color] Her voice was soft, a slight smile on her lips. [Color=4863c0]"And Skylar... I think we make a great team. Great job out there!"[/color] She stepped away, moving back towards the adults. [Color=4863c0]"I'm coming for your, Jacques!"[/color] she exclaimed with a giggle. [Color=4863c0]"Professor, do you have anything I can wash Cici with? I don't want her to have to sit around with this gunk in her eyes when she did such an amazing job out there. And can we let that poor Rhyperior out of the house? He was such a sweetheart."[/color]