[center][hr] [h1][color=gold]Location: Dr. Ashford's Private Office Interactions: [@Burning Kitty][/color][/h1] [hr][/center] [center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/WarlikeLawfulIrishterrier-size_restricted.gif[/img][/center] Dr. Ashford listened to Temperance with an apathetic expression. Once she was finished he stood there silently for a long time. She clearly had already given up on his school. She didn't understand what the Institution was about at all, and she needed a kind of help that he felt he wasn't going to be able to offer her. Her file was full of evidence that she didn't get along with others, that she went out of her way to stir up problems, and he could tell that she was not a good fit for the school. He had enough problems on his hands to deal with a student that went against authority at every turn and questioned everything this institution stood for. She wanted to go back to Xavier's school? Fine, he could have her. [color=gold]"Your private plane to Westchester County will leave first thing in the morning. Get some rest. You'll be back at the Xavier Institute in 24 hours. Pack your things young lady, it's time for you to leave." [/color]