[center][h1][color=E989BB]Mythri Naidu[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/QTkhqaIbVlngY/giphy.gif[/img] [I]Location: Xavier's Mansion[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Truth be told, it all sounded fantastical to her too, and she had been in the hologram! But if they were to piece together what happened, it was as good a shot as any. [color=E989BB]"Let's do it then."[/color] She did not ignore the girl's nonchalant comment about killing their enemies. Is that what would be required? Taking human life. Mythri thought about it and decided that she would kill if it meant protecting herself or those she loved, but killing to protect strangers? Even if they were being held in a facility against their will, it seemed...wrong somehow. Like they were no better than their enemies. She mentally shrugged it off. Perhaps she would talk to Charles about her thoughts later, once they were done with this. If she were to stay on board, she had a lot of concerns to voice out before she agreed to help any further. There was already a lot being placed on her and she wasn't sure if it was all worth it. Saving lives was, but endangering others was not.