[hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Gold]Rhys Asher[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378688333867646976/422255485312565259/df0f62f8c2142e8ad9d0dec68836d9f6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gold]Location: His home[/color][/center] [hr] As the boy nodded eagerly, Rhys watched on in amusement at the first- to his knowledge- attempt at magyck. So when the book flew across the room to strike Badger's hand with a solid thwack, and the boy was knocked off his feet. Rhys's eyes marginally widened in amazement and a sly smile crossed his features. He had asked for revenge and been graced with a weapon he could mold to his whim. [color=Gold]"Very correct."[/color] The Rogue Wizard stated with hardly hidden delight and amusement. Plucking a heavier book from the shelf he set it in the middle of the room. [color=Gold]"Again. This time try to limit the force you put behind it. Gently, lest you need to [b]Fetch[/b] something fragile and harm it and yourself. Doing the little things is just as important as moving the large. Finite details will give you the advantage over sheer power at times."[/color] And it was always good to cover all of one's bases. He would teach this boy with the support and kindness that had been denied to him. Badger would be loyal for that if nothing else. Already he was from the Young Army giving him that hard edged, this would just sharpen him. [color=Gold]"Never let the idea that magyck can fix everything become your cornerstone. Magyck is as limited as anything else in what it can do, and it must be handled with care. It is a weapon with two edges and can cut you if you let it."[/color] The man lectured carefully instructing his lad of the dangers of the powers they both possessed, and of the benefits. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Lavender]Skaoi Silverveil[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://www.tribute.ca/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/galadriel1.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Lavender]Location: Palace - Infirmity[/color][/center] [hr] Murder and plots. Skaoi was unnerved by such things for they usually meant trouble. Just as strangely appearing and disappearing men dropping children into beds, she figured. As Valda and Taj spoke, she politely pretended not to hear though she caught the words. So a missing stone was causing such worry? Perhaps a artifact of some sort, but it must be of some degree of importance if the Emperor was so obviously worried about it. All the more reason to remain out of the mess, Skaoi thought to herself quietly. Nodding with the senior woman's declaration that the children needed rest, SKaoi gave a small whispered agreement. [color=Lavender]"I shall do what I can to help with that and with your newly emerged powers, if that is agreeable Your Highnesses."[/color] Her words more meant for Myrus as she would be more concerned with him and his trait for blowing things up. Not to mention the boy who had been deposited here upon death's door. Running a hand through her pale hair, Skaoi moved back to her little kit pulling off the scarf over her locks as she considered the herbs. Murder, scheme and plots. Missing stones and strangers appearing, it was all so odd. Then again, she was considered very odd with her quiet and apologetic ways. Not to mention her complexion. Pale as snow, and just as silent. That was what her mother had said once in passing praise, a rare moment when so much was heaped upon her by siblings eager to get into mischief they did not have to pay for. But then let them, Skaoi shook her head and set about mixing a second brew of calming tea. Finishing the mixture she turned to Princess Luna and offered her the brew. [color=Lavender]"Please drink, Your Highness. The day has been long and harrowing, this will add you some what. If you would."[/color] Her form shifting nervously about Valda as she disliked being in the presence of rulers, unnerving was what it was.