At Crow's words of agreement, Penelope grew more alert. If Crow thought something was strange as well, then it was very likely that the men they had passed were merely waiting for a chance to strike. "If they let us out of their sights.." Penelope muttered in response to Crow's last words. The knight furrowed her brow in thought as she fixed her gaze ahead and began to think over their current situation. "Surely even if they are mercenaries or any other kind of enemy, they wouldn't dare to attack us in the middle of town... right?" Penelope asked, sounding hopeful. It seemed unlikely. Even the mercenary before had figured out a way to drive the two out of the main street before fully attacking them. So that meant that they were either harmless travelers or had plans to drive them off the main street. The female knight shot a cautious glance over her shoulder towards the other travelers. She gave an uncertain look and glanced ahead towards William, whom seemed a bit unaware of the possible threat. As they rode on, Penelope would occasionally check to see if the travelers were still within view. Though they were farther behind, they always seemed to remain in visible distance. The knight shifted uncomfortably. Enemy or not, she didn't want to remain within their sight for much longer. "We should get out of their line of sight. If they are after us, better to lose them now before they pull anything like the last one." Penelope told Crow, growing tense at the thought of their last encounter with a mercenary. "Any ideas how we can do that safely?"