[@Searat][@ReedeThe23rd][@Mortarion] "It would seem, my lord, that whatever informant you received the information about this place from was greatly exaggerating." Drake was about to readily agree with his chief chirurgeon, his brows a tad furrowed as he surveyed both the ragged state of the gathering crowd [i]and[/i] the equally lamentable view that was Nab's Holdout – this was until the servant of the Omnissiah pushed through the crowd and presented himself without hesitation. "Peace my lord, none here wishes you harm." Stated the odd creature, forming the sign of the Aquila and thus immediately gaining some manner of trust from the Rogue Trader, "let me be the first to welcome you to Nab's Holdout." A thin smile creased the nobles aristocratic features as he gave a curt nod to the half-man – the expression centred about his lips and not even reaching his eyes – letting go of his axe, which dangled from the leather thong about his wrist, long enough to connect his hands together in the sign of the cog. “My gratitude,” he was unsure with what rank to address the Mechanicus servant, and so forged ahead without worrying about such quibbles, “what brings you to me, my Martian friend?” As an afterthought he gestured to the slender man nearby, “this is my chief medical officer, Lazarus, by-the-by.” He had not been making idle conversation, only half his mind on talking, the other making note of those gathering around them in a semi-circle. Unsavoury, rough-and-ready, exactly the sort that would slit their throats and take all they had if given half the chance...he did hope that Karl was making a note of the very same. [hr] [hr] [@BangoSkank][@Andreyich] [i]I will find you.[/i] Nithin shuffled through the street of the Holdout almost at will, those that may have sought to claim his life wisely thinking better of it once they saw him. Those that were either too stupid or arguably too brave to use such common sense were turned aside, as if by their own mind, and went to do something else. Some may wonder how one located a Pariah, especially if one were a psyker and therefore adverse to them, but it was a pretty simple procedure – you simply followed the trail of ruffled minds, most blanks causing irrational fear or irritation to those near enough to them to be affected, and slowly-but-surely the cloaked cenobite would close in. Yes, there...something was bubbling below the surface... He had to get closer.