[center][h2]Mao[/h2][/center] “I hope it’ll be as simple as you think it’ll be,” Mao said to Steven as he took a step away from the wall close to Chenlu. “I’ll go get some things ready for tonight. If I’m not at home when you make it back there, you know what to do,” he said to the girl in their home language, before making his way out of the bookstore without so much as throwing a look towards the others. The last thing Mao could want is to get roped in whatever would happen there after the young would-be knight pulled a weapon without thinking of the possible consequences. As soon as he was out of the bookstore, Mao went out to a hardware store and bought a couple packs of cable ties and a small length of thin steel cable, which would come in handy tonight. After that, he made his usual groceries before going back home to ready his old ‘work clothes’. [center]※ ※ ※[/center] [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2630094]Mao[/url] arrived at the designated area at least half an hour before of the appointed time and scouted the premises to the best of his capabilities before Steven and the others arrived. He remained silent as he listened to Steven’s last instructions only raising his voice after the man gave asked he to look for any ‘potentially dangerous individuals’. “How do you expect to avoid casualties with such strategy? I know the Japanese. If your plan consists on kicking the front door and commanding them to surrender, be prepared to have a lot of blood on your hands when the dawn breaks,” Mao said in a completely nonchalant tone. [hr]