[@Legion02] [quote]This glorious passion of hatred is unleashed by knowingly committing the worst sins. But how can one define a sin? In the context of this curse, it arrives with fervor after transgression upon fellow man. Though Anu cares little to admit it, humans are intelligent, they think and act upon those thoughts. Now an act of murder, an act of evil, an act of misguided lust, would have dire consequence. The curse itself, drives those afflicted to keep indulging their sin. This compulsion has varying effects, with the strong willed able to keep hold of themselves at first, but just like the weak, they will succumb, loosing all trace of their humanity.[/quote] In the case of Calak, he had never killed a man before, thus the curse was dormant. After dealing with men with the curse active, he grew to hate them. The curse has a way of projecting itself unto others, so it can activate. When Calak killed, he had sealed his fate. Even though he thought it was the right thing, he still committed murder. It was he who acted upon his own thoughts, thus the curse came alive inside of him and it drove him to keep sinning, in this case, killing. Like I said, to be fair, this curse works in different ways for different people. Some might be affected immediately, others might have a slow build up. Willpower is the only tool right now that would slow it down. So how does one kill another human without the curse activating? Self defense is one, hanging is another, an unwanted accident wouldn't trigger it either. As long as an individual doesn't actually kill a person with a weapon or their own hands, minus self defense, then the curse won't activate. It's all about having consequences to a sin you knowingly commit. Lust breeds more lust. Murder breeds more murder. Greed breeds more greed, etc. The three men who were tied to the post acting crazy, are just worse case scenarios on how an individual might act without their humanity. Most will be crazed in their pursuit to get a 'fix'. The sin, becomes the only goal to achieve in the end, no matter the cost.