[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/glassheartprincess4.png] THANATOS AZAZEL HYPERION 17 years old member of LEGENDS Azazel is a senior at AOA and member of LEGENDS. His parents are occultists who believe in demons and dark magic, so they gave him the name Thanatos Azazel Hyperion, but since the name is so long he prefers to go by just Azazel. Despite his family background, Azazel does not particularly care about religion, and instead spent most of his childhood befriending stray cats and taking them home. This habit has continued into his teenage years and he smuggled in some of his pet cats into his dorm and he continues to adopt stray cats he finds outside. His freshmen year, he was originally a part of an idol group named Rogue, but he got into a fight with the leader early on in the semester and quit. A few days later, one of his cats went missing so he went searching all over campus for it, and luckily found it playing with Belizano. The two of them became fast friends and when Belizano offered him a place in his idol group, Azazel happily accepted. He never expected LEGENDS to be so successful at first, and had only joined because he wanted to have fun with his new friends, but it turned out to be one of the best things to happen to Azazel. [/center]