[color=00a651][center][u]Naswaru, The Relentless[/u][/center][/color] The flight to the plains was a bit quicker than he anticipated. Naswaru had a feeling his brother had a hand in that. Changing air currents at a whim must be nice. The god of the hunt is very much aware that he is not the most powerful of the gods. However, Naswaru is a firm believer that he has plenty of room to grow assuming he can absorb a few other gods and their cords. Yet even then such an act is looked down upon by some others and would have to be kept secret or make him look like he was defending himself. Naswaru had no intention of doing that to his brother here. He quite liked the dragon that was following behind him. That, and he had little use for weather control. These thoughts can be left to another time. The only other god he could think of that would help him in his creations was currently hidden away somewhere. The god of blood liked to hide among the humans. Now on to this hunt of theirs. The trail of their quarry could be seen from miles away. The mass of herbivores ate and trampled their way through the plains and forests. Leaving nothing but a large dirt path and many piles of droppings. Their droppings were also good fertilizer so what they ate could regrow in time. The swarming brown and tan mass of animals was moving quickly. The animals were being harassed by several packs of ridge backs. Many had already fallen but it still wasn’t enough. Naswaru seeing this quickly broke to the right and down toward the ground. Flying just above the tall grass quickly approaching a few of the Rognyak from behind. With his two sharp talon feet the god easily picked two of the beasts up by their backs and snapped their spines. He wasn’t hunting to feed, he was hunting to kill. This wasn’t something he was necessarily happy about but it was something that had to be done. Naswaru began circling the horde, forcing them in tight together so that his brother could inflict maximum damage to the mass. [@Lmpkio]