Indigo observed as Dan retrieved his pokemon, not knowing what to say to his friend's distress. [color=8882be]"Oh... Uh, you sure it's too late? It's like 7 PM..."[/color] His voice trailed off, not knowing what to say or do. He did, however, raise a brow when Dan handed him Rat and began to walk away. [color=8882be]"Heyo, wait. What do you mean by that, exactly? Why isn't Rat happy with you?"[/color] Indy did not feel quite comfortable taking the pokeball. Suppose Rat got out somehow-- or something. If the pokemon was angry with Dan, then wouldn't it burst out of it's ball to perhaps confront his trainer? Indy didn't want to be around when that happened. He was sure that Dan's pokemon were well behaved, but Indy was also an anxious person, no matter how laid back he seemed. [color=8882be][i]Not just Rat, but what if something happened to Dan? Sleeping on the trail... Aren't there a lot of wild pokemon there? He might need his pokemon.[/i][/color] They were newbies, after all. [color=8882be]"Shouldn't you like... I dunno, talk things out with your pokemon? I mean just avoiding Rat isn't going to do anything. When Hawka was upset with me-- I mean she gets mad at me all the time. But we usually resolve it."[/color] Feeling kind of like a jerk, Indy handed the pokeball back to Dan. [color=8882be]"Sorry but I don't really, uh, feel comfortable with the idea of taking Rat... And I know you feel like Rat is upset, but I'm sure you guys can work it out. Plus, if you think about it, Rat doesn't know who he's actually with when he's inside the pokeball, so he won't know he's with you. Until you sort things out, right?"[/color] Trying to end on a positive note, Indy shrugged sheepishly. [color=8882be]"Sorry again, but if you're gonna be all the way on the trail, if anything happens, I think you should have your pokemon."[/color] He paused, searching for more words. Feeling torn, going with Dan was Indigo's first choice naturally, but the Trail was frightening. After all, someone as capable as Margo hadn't been able to go very far. Indy was sure he himself stood no chance, especially at night. Still, admitting it was difficult. [color=8882be]"I think I'll be heading out to Quiet Road. I just wanted to check something out." [i]That Vivillion...[/i][/color] His battle with Jack was soon. He would need that pokemon...