A divine blessing washed over the town. Its wide and massive waves fluxuated over every living thing, whether it clutched to it by a thread or was young and healthy, it was given new life. The soul first, it always started from the divinity of the soul. Then it would move to the very atoms of the third dimension. Returning something to its most ample state was a hard thing to do physically. But as the people of Pearl began to witness, true divine ability knew how to return a broken piece to a whole. This was the will of the creator in the form of rejuvenation. The plants began to grow. Their cells rapidly duplicating. Yet not resulting in unnatural growth. But a bright and brimming form fully intact, strong and elastic. The hidden flower seed dying after being blown into the crevices by the callous and cool winds from the mountain tops has now grown into a fully fledged flower, bright and healthy. This is only a small example of the extent of the spells effects. The Oro blood in most of this towns citizens made healing a hard to come by commodity. With great surprise they saw disfigured reformed and felt their illnesses vanish. It was the largest grand gesture the people here have ever seen. Many immediately felt the assumption that the healing clinic was visited by Vrondi himself. But as the strength tournament came to an abrupt end and the people began moving back into town, they observed the vegetation in the clinic sprout wildly. It was not the Gaian way to have vegetation grow wild so it was met with some disdain... But none could question that Ami was responsible for returning the towns wounded and sick back to full health. Once she had accomplished this goal many gifts were raised for her journey. Word of the groups mission to heal the lands and thr people was spread quickly. Children visited the clinic. Elderly did so too. Many wanting to see the grand healer. A genuine seraphim and a royal pure blood. A rare jewel most did not want to miss. The clinic soon found itself surrounded by people from the town. The Taxis guard informing them they could not enter if not injured, a healer, or a friend is inside. It was nearly all too strong a spell of divine will to go unnoticed. Nomads outaise the town began to move in. Their hoods and animal furs were worn but camouflaged them in the forest perfectly. Moving from Vrondi and Gaia seemed to be their way. Mushrooms and vegeation on their attire. It was only seven of different ages. A family it seemed to be but a diverse group. However walking behind them was one who seemed to travel all the way to Nero. His dark attire and poisonous mushrooms and vegeation on his body were native to that land and his black and grey hue both in skinn and clothing made his form like a moving shadow. His hood covering his head as he walked with a bag as did the others. Traveling nomads. They too came to the clinic. The woman holding a babe begged the guard. "My child is ill we have come from outside the village...!" Her child was covered in a wrapping. She entered the clinic and since a few of the other nomads knew her they went inside. Once inside the woman pleaded to have her baby cured of its illness. Sitting on her knees as she did so. The dark hooded nomad touched her shoulder to comfort her. "Do not fear for your child.. We are before a benevolent healer. One who hails from Vrondis own kin no doubt.." He spoke smoothly and with wisdom. Like a wise traveler. He turned to observe Ami and all her glory. Awaiting her response. [@RumikoOhara]