"Hmm, maybe I used the wrong word... I meant the rushing particles that move between the gasses in the air. And just like how grammar is used to shape words, magical grammar can be used to shape the world. School mages are taught grammar that lets them work magic. My spells are just grammars, adapted and used to bend the world. But you, you can bend the world to summon lightning, and you do it without grammars. I was never taught tha- oh!" Uban had flung another arc of lightning, and this time he successfully struck the medallion. The force of it's power sent Hana stumbling, and she marveled at the unassuming man who roared with laughter. The joy was contagious, and Hana grinned at him. "Amazing! Can you hit this?" Hana lazily tossed the medallion into the air, arcing into the air. --- Pieter had left his captain, and now crouched at the waters edge. Taking a flask of rum from his pocket, he poured some into the sea. "Ladies, grant me your boon." He spoke softly, and the hissing of the foam swallowed his words and took them away to the depths. The old sailor sat back onto his haunches, and puffed contentedly on his pipe. His mind was clear, and observations came and left without staying in his thoughts. After some time, the sound of splashing rose him from his trance. Some paces away in the water was a beautiful woman. She was naked, and her wet blonde hair clung to her and framed her pale skin. Her eyes were wide and blue, and filled with innocent inquiry. She was a mermaid, child bride of the sea. "Lady, I have a gift for you." He raised the flask of rum above his head, and the mermaid moved closer to the shore at the sight of the flask. "A boy in the form of the fish swims in your waters. He is angry, and I worry for him. I ask you to look for him, and see that he comes to no harm." Tossing the flask to the mermaid, she lifted a graceful limb into the air to catch it. The girl smiled widely at him, revealing dainty pointed teeth. Diving under the water, she raised a sleek tail into the air before splashing it playfully against the water before darting away. Sucking on his pipe, Pieter watched the sea for a long moment, then stood and returned to his captain who needed him.