@everyone - hey all, After much deliberation I've made the decision to end the game. It's not moving very fast - mostly this is my fault. I rushed this game out without proper prior planning, even though it has been something I've been wanting to do for a long time! I'm sorry to all of you who made character sheets and have participated. I know that it is incredibly disappointing for an RP to end. I wish I could have been a better GM and rallied you, inspired you, and pushed this game along. If in the future, I pick the Star wars rp back up and come back with a fleshed out idea, please know you all have an open invitation with your character. Thanks all for being a part of it - even for just this short time, at least we all got to hang out for a while and learn from each other and write even a few things. I hope to see you all in other roleplays soon, and as I said - you each have a place in any other SW projects I do. Have an excellent day, and May the Force be With You.