[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180808/eebe0f2fdd49df2cab387decc3e89382.png[/img][/center][right][hr][color=gray][b]City Streets, Kurosuoba[/b] April 3rd, 2018 | 6:35 AM[/color][hr][/right][indent]Kotone was distraught. She had thought this school year would have been just another boring school year, but here Kotone was, severely distressed by the display the girl put on. The girl's hands went to her chest, wheezing heavily as she fell to her knees. Was she okay? Did she need Kotone to call for help? [color=00a651][b]"You need to not... make me run down... this entire way... ever again... for one thing..." [/b][/color] [color=BA8A5D][b]"I-I... uh..."[/b][/color] She struggled to pierce together a full sentence, feeling rather overwhelmed and confused. Kotone thought to offer her the drink she was going to have later for lunch, though it seemed the overly dramatic girl had recovered without it. [color=00a651][b]"Oh my god, why would people [i]torture[/i] themselves like this?"[/b][/color] The next set of words that came out of the girl's mouth was like a blow to Kotone's stomach. Had this girl been [i]deliberately[/i] trying to make Kotone feel agitated and upset this whole time? Being an avid runner, Kotone felt it was rather depressing to have one of her favorite hobbies described as "torture." A whole range of emotions were now flourishing inside Kotone, and none of them were good in any sense or form. Kotone already wanted to go back home; to climb back in bed and hide from everyone. [color=BA8A5D][b]"W-Well, runn—"[/b][/color] Kotone tried stammering out a reply, but she was promptly cut off by the chubby girl going off on a tangent. Apparently, what she had wanted to stop Kotone for was to ask to see if there was a room available for her father. There were usually rooms available unless, of course, there was some event in the big city. The ryokan was cheaper than a modern hotel and it had some amenities that were hard to come by in this day and age. If you wanted the [i]authentic[/i] experience, after all, it was best to come to an [i]authentic[/i] inn. Nonetheless, it wasn't long before Kotone felt awkward once again. The girl struggled for a name, though rather than focus on her last name, like every Japanese did, she started naming off first names similar to hers. Were they on a first name basis already, or was it a slip of the tongue? Either way, Kotone needed to reply. [color=BA8A5D][b]"Kotone; Tachibana Kotone."[/b][/color] Kotone timidly replied, queasy with uneasiness. [color=BA8A5D][b]"T-There are rooms available, your otousan can find our rates on our website..."[/b][/color][/indent]