[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180513/5ef5b8f32a843a2a76c1b0aa903ab393.png[/img] [sub]-Onward-[/sub] [/center] [@BrokenPromise] [color=9e0039][u][b]“That sounds like her”[/b][/u][/color] Penny said holding in her sigh, it was starting to seem as if Thalia snapped or lost herself to the monster within. The cyborg wasn’t sure which truth she preferred at the moment, but didn’t dwell on it too much. She had other worries she had to keep track of right now. Turning to face the Golden Trove Penny started burying her hacked entry way and pulled out of the system. She might need to slip in again if her fears were right and this way she could do it from any computer she could find rather than need to come back here. All the while Penny kept her attention on Mika, but didn’t turn to follow her as the other girl started to stalk around her. Sure she was trying to be nonchalant about it but Penny had spent a fair amount of time living with a Beast Monstergirl, she could tell the difference. Thus she had time to prepare for how she was going to deal with the incoming attack. Barely a moment before Mika pounced at Penny the cyborg’s left eye flickered back to life and she reacted instantaneously when she felt the other girl land on her back. The first thing that happened was her body surged with electricity, effectively turning her into a living stun gun. Penny intentionally keep the power output low as she didn’t want to hurt Mika just stun her. Then, once the electricity had stopped, Penny reached out with her magic and tagged Mika’s phone and copied over the contact information and GPS codes in the phone. This would let Penny track Mika’s phone later. After doing that Penny turned and threw Mika back towards the middle of the roof before she could recover from being stunned. [color=9e0039][u][b]”Take it I was wrong on my assumptions.”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would say neutrally as her eyes flickered through various colors before landing on a deep blue ringed with red. With a sigh she turned back towards the way she had taken to get here [color=9e0039][u][b]“Thanks for the info I guess”[/b][/u][/color] without any further delay Penny took off in a sprint away from the Golden Trove Hotel. She knew well enough not to loiter around in enemy territory. [hr] [@Flamelord][@t2wave] Penny had been running none stop for the last five minutes. She didn’t have a destination in mind; she was just trying to put distance between her and the encounter she had just left. While she did have another lead to follow up on when it came to finding Thalia, she also now knew that there was someone, possibly more than one, who wanted her dead for no other reason than she was under Laat’AlOfan’s guidance. At least she was pretty sure that was the case, she would have to ask him to be 100% sure. Eventually she came to a stop atop one of the taller buildings in Downtown Penrose. [color=9e0039][u][b]“This is so messed up”[/b][/u][/color] she muttered to herself as she looked out over the city. She knew it rather well as she spent her days patrolling with Beacon and her nights hunting Solo. It didn’t feel like home though, and sometimes she wondered if it ever would. She kept her silent vigil for an unknown amount of time, just taking a moment for herself to relax and forget about all the insanity that was her life. Said isolation was eventually interrupted by a text bringing up the message on her eyepiece Penny couldn’t help but give off a genuine smile at the selfie of Alicia and Janet. [color=9e0039][i]‘Glad that went well’[/i][/color] Soaking in the happy outcome for her friends a thought came to Penny and she sent off a reply before she could second guess herself. [quote=Penny] [i]YAAY! Glad to see things went well for you two, we should celebrate tomorrow. Shopping and lunch on me? [/i] [/quote] After sending the message Penny found herself once again looking at the picture message she had gotten. She spent a few more moment’s just admiring it before closing it when she noticed her gaze had been lingering on Alicia for a bit longer then she meant. Shaking her head, Penny forced herself to not think about why it was she had just spent the last few minutes gazing longingly at Alicia’s picture. Instead she started her trek back to her lair as it was starting to get late. [hr] [@Majoras End] Penny was about half way home when she stumbled across what looked to be a battle field she assumed she had missed the party as she couldn’t hear anyone fighting, but curiosity demanded she take a closer look any way. As she walked through the wreckage she started piecing together bits and pieces of what happened here. She could tell it was a larger brawl, and that most of the combatants seemed to be on the same side, but couldn’t make heads or tells of the magic used. She could find burns here and there as well as what looked like concussive impacts but could only guess at what magic might have caused them. Eventually she would find her to where the fight had ended, and Penny was honestly surprised to find someone still here, and not dead, though they seemed to be out of it. Unsure if it was due to injury or fatigue or even magic Penny cast a cautious look around before she started moving closer to the unconscious Witch. Penny was once again surprised as she recognized Eliza, though she couldn’t place a name, she remembered the girl from the assault on Justine’s castle. A quick once over told the robotic girl that winged witch was mostly unharmed, but Penny was by no means a doctor. After thinking about it for a moment she reached a decision. Picking Eliza up, Penny gently positioned the smaller girl on her back using her spider legs to keep the witches wings folded as well as keep her stable. After making sure everything was in place Penny continued her trek back to her lair, though moving with a bit more urgency and keeping an extra eye out for any impending danger. [hr] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [sub].:Turning in:.[/sub] [/center] [color=fff79a]”No worries Alica, I can tell you’ve had it rough. I’ll catch you two around”[/color] Aurelio replied waving off the apologize as he could latterly feel how tired the two of them were. With a parting wave he turned and walked back to the gaming room he had been shown to earlier. As he walked he let his transformation fade. [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/2faf224be0a0f6df351a8560c77e7562.png[/img] [/center] After he was once again in his civvies he called out [color=57441E]“Who’s up for a few rounds of Poker?” [/color] After all he was still planning on getting to know more of the people here at this Beacon and he had been promised a few hands earlier.