[hr][hr][center][color=darkgray][h1]Lucivar DeLuxor[/h1][/color][color=darkgray][h2][u]Tavern in Askavi[/u][/h2][/color][/center][hr][hr] Lucivar looked up at the barkeep and regarded him for a moment as he leaned forward, elbows resting on the surface of the table. His eyes were on the other’s and although he tried not to show it on his face, he was apprehensive about the sudden question. Who was this stranger that suddenly came asking about his business? In any other time, he would have been open to oblige, thinking of it as nothing more than an over-curious barkeep. Recent events however, and the shock that came with it, kept his guard up. Anyone could be a spy. Anything he said could put him and Andressa in danger and it was an incredible fortune for the barkeep that Lucivar was intent on being civil. It seemed the place had gone through a rough time, and blood on the floor could mean anything. Still, he wanted to give the man the benefit of the doubt. [color=darkgray]“I’m sure you’re mistaken,”[/color] he said, [color=darkgray]“I said no such thing. Hard to hear from behind the bar, after all.”[/color] The old Eyrien nodded absently in agreement thought his yellow eyes said he didn't believe the Warlord Prince. "Well I might be mistaken. Though if I were not..." He shrugged well muscled shoulders, "Don't think it's worth my skin to be pushing a Warlord Prince who looks like he's been walking the killing edge." It was common knowledge of how to notice a Warlord Prince on the killing field and Lucivar still had some of that psychic scent about him that a trained warrior would pick up. It was part of protocol that the Blood were taught throughout their childhood. The part that helped them survive. "I know a good knife, but it depends on what you want to cut and why." He noted absently, deciding to take the leap and be direct. Whatever had brought this one in, he had come with a Dena Nehele witch who was shaken up. The Saroth boys had mentioned that land in particular was perhaps the last chance for the Blood in Terreille. He gave a curt nod, then turned back to his drink. [color=darkgray]"I'm sure you do."[/color]