[color=pink]"I can see if there's any horses the villagers would be willing to offer to us. While I doubt it, perhaps if I can convince them that I can bring the horses back safe and sound, they'll be more agreeable."[/color] Kyra said as Parum detailed the plan. While she could ask Leosin more questions, Kyra wasn't really one for talk when she could be [i]doing[/i] something. She turns to leave, waving goodbye to the others for a moment. [color=pink]"Before we set out we should discuss any specific tactics we have for facing the half-dragons. I have no doubt we'll be facing them at the camp, regardless if we're subtle or not, and I'd like to know how we'll handle that hunt. Anyways I'll see if I can get us some horses."[/color] Kyra knew where she could find some horses, though hopefully the family who owned them still had them. She didn't recognize any of their beasts at the cultist camp so either they killed all of their livestock or simply left them alone, hopefully the latter. They did seem more interested in treasure than pillaging. Kyra was actually quite skilled in riding. Horse-back Archery was also something that Kyra had some practice in; her father had taught her how to ride horses as well as manage carriages, wagons, and other land vehicles growing up. After all someone had to haul the harvest to town for tax season. Bringing it to the public offices was cheaper than having collectors come to the village. Indeed, it was because of her skill at horse riding that she was a good hunter; during the lean seasons she could easily shoot down foxes and hares as they dash between bushes, snipe birds from the skies, or capture elk. It made Kyra remembered an old fairytale she heard as a child, of elven warriors who rode on the back of white stags to hunt enemies in the forest. A fairytale to be sure, since the last time they had a white stag in these forest, he kept killing off other bucks and kept a herd of females to himself, impacting the local dear population. Her father and a few other men went out to kill it. [color=pink]"Focus. Find horses."[/color]