The swirling aurora twisted as it debated its next steps. He wondered if Azhriel was the right ally to turn to first. The foreboding figure wasn’t one for rash decisions and he doubted the soul guardian would leave his realm for an unsubstantiated whim. No, he needed proof. The rainbow lights shimmed in the sky, a sight that any of these more southern tribes would never see. A shadow disappeared to the east and the light flared briefly as it made a decision, streaking across the horizon in ribbons of silver. A day later the lithe blonde figure stood for the first time in over 16hours. He’d spent the day observing one of the Verzakian dragons. He followed her, as he learnt it was a she, as she burnt and consumed every animal in her path. He stayed a miasmic aura spread thinly in the atmosphere so as not to be detected. Sveiand was no particular friend of the humans but he was shocked at what happened next. He was buffeted by the unbearable heat as the pillar of smoke rose up to meet him, the rancid stench of burnt flesh. The study was over. The number of thickening columns dotted around the landscape meant that there was no time to waste and he knew what to do. Sending his sense outwards, he was both surprised and gladdened to find both the deities he needed already in one place. Maybe fate was already working in their favour. They were gods yes but as one of the gods constantly fighting for a worldly balance, he knew they weren’t infallible. As two sets of leathery bat wings swooped overhead, a gigantic white bear (see ‘The Cold One’ in CS) plummeted from the sky amid the writhing mass of Rognyak. The shockwave rippled through the herd but the magic was faster. Sheets of flawless ice in twisted shapes encased over half of the stampeding beasts. The rest were knocked off their feet and soon leapt upon by the Ridgebacks. Straightening up, the gigantic bear waved a massive paw at the flying figures before his growling voice boomed toward them. [color=6ecff6][i][b]“I’m sorry to interrupt your hunt mighty lords but I do believe I have a better quarry to test your abilities.”[/b][/i][/color] A life-size sculpture of a Verzakian dragon erupted from the existing ice. [color=6ecff6][i][b]“This is what we need to catch.”[/b][/i][/color] He turned his snout upwards to the powerful god of beasts and the hydra-headed weather god, a knowing smirk playing on his lips, as he dared to hope. [color=6ecff6][i][b]"Are you game?"[/b][/i][/color]