[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181003/4643b5ce1ecdd244ab693d831bbfe107.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181003/e593a2195a88e5a506c7f107fb85ac44.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181003/022bf3a53bbfa859a3d753d6dcc7d9f9.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181003/c2f4ffe3fc86f812cd1e998943f30089.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/aclMgLe.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181003/190da582f1c8f20050205d7cc72f3083.png[/img] [img]https://radio-monaco.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/giphy.gif[/img] [i][color=brown]Venom I’ve got that adrenaline, momentum Venom Not knowin' when I'm ever gonna slow up And I’m ready to snap any moment I'm thinkin' it's time to go get 'em They ain't gonna know what hit 'em When they get beat with the- Knock knock, let the devil in.[/color][/i] [img]https://mbtskoudsalg.com/images/wedding-divider-png-7.png[/img][/center] [indent][color=brown]“Hey there, Bailey. How’re you doing this afternoon?”[/color] In a turn of events that would surprise nobody that really knew her, Archer’s blunt words had gotten through Marisol’s thick skull. Although the girl couldn’t care less about her ‘screaming’ GPA and missing AP Calculus, she [i]did[/i] care about not becoming “the girl we love to make fun of”. So rather than staying home for the rest of the day and carry on with her ridiculous pity party, Marisol had decided to face the problem head-on and take matters into her own hands. With the fire of vengeance lighting up her wounded heart, the brunette jumped up from bed, got ready in record time and carpooled with Archer back to school. This was how she currently found herself sitting right in front of Victoire Bailey herself, who was looking far too preoccupied with something else to pay the green-eyed girl any attention. Perfect! That meant she would probably be too busy to notice what Mari was planning to do if their conversation went the way she thought it would. The mess of papers in front of Victoire absorbed all of her attention. She wasn't exactly planning on giving it to anyone or anything else for any matter. Her mouth chewed slowly, finishing off the last of the sandwich she had eaten and leaving her with the wrapper in her left hand. As she looked for where to put it while she would continue working, she finally noticed the brunette sitting across from her. “[color=deepskyblue]Afternoon,[/color]” Came the obligatory greeting as she slightly shuffled some papers around, placing the wrapper down before going back to her work. As she daintily placed her hands on the table one over the other, Marisol couldn’t help but smile at Victoire’s standoffish attitude. This bitch really though she was above everyone else, didn’t she? Would be quite interesting if someone were to abruptly bring her back to reality… [color=brown]“A little birdie told me you had a lot of fun at Diablo’s party on Friday. Any truth to that?”[/color] she asked her, finishing off the question with a loud and obnoxious [i]POP![/i] from the Winterfresh gum she’d been chewing. Wait, Marisol wanted to speak? The fuck? The sheer oddity of the situation actually caused Victoire to look up slowly at her. She remembered drinking a lot, but otherwise the party had been uneventful on her part. “[color=deepskyblue]Getting plastered is always fun, helps me practice my balancing act for when I go from ‘a beer or two at a party’ to ‘a glass of wine with dinner’,[/color]” She replied, scribbling down her final calculation. [color=brown]“Oh, yeah. I totally get it. And was this before or after you decided it was a genius idea to practice your kissing skills on Sonny Drake as well?”[/color] Mari immediately replied in a smartass tone, placing her chin on her palm with her eyes staring daggers at Vic. “[color=deepskyblue]Oh, right, that happened,[/color]” She mused, tapping her pen against her temple. Shaking her head in mild disappointment, she sighed. “[color=deepskyblue]Can’t say it wasn’t stupid, pretty sure that pretty little event got out,[/color]” She outright admitted, placing several papers into a folder as she looked up at Marisol. [color=brown]“So it’s true?”[/color] Marisol asked again, cupping her ear in Vic’s direction to make absolutely sure she’d hear her answer as clearly as she could. Although her tone seemed cool enough, the familiar anger was beginning to course through her veins, sending a ringing sensation to her ears and causing her to see the world through red-tinted glasses. “[color=deepskyblue]Unfortunately,[/color]” Came Vic’s rather nonchalant response accompanied by a small half-shrug. [color=brown]“Okay! That’s what I wanted to hear!”[/color] Marisol said brightly, standing up from her seat. [color=brown]“You have a good day now, Viccy!”[/color] she told the girl before grabbing her stuff, standing up straight and making her exit. In her worry about whatever was in the mess of papers in the table, Victoire had failed to notice one teeny, tiny detail: all throughout her conversation with Marisol, Marshall Castillo’s baseball bat had been patiently sitting next to his sister. Grinning with mischief, Mari left the cafeteria and skipped down to the parking lot, carelessly twirling Marshall’s bat around along the way. She spotted Sonny and Jun sitting together on her way out, and waved at them enthusiastically with her free hand. Frankly, it was quite a stroke of good luck that they happened to have chosen a table outside. It meant that they would have a front-row seat to what was about to happen. It didn’t take long for the short girl to reach her victim’s car. Although there were plenty of black Benz in the lot, there was only one car allowed to park in the exclusive Class President slot. And there it was: sitting under the midday sun, looking spotless with its glossy black paint shining. For the briefest of moments, Mari felt almost bad for the poor Benz. It wasn’t the poor car’s fault that their stupid owner had made the capital sin of making out with the wrong dude. But how else was she supposed to make this self-righteous bitch truly understand that? It’s not like she could talk to her and explain the situation, as evidenced by their fruitless exchange just minutes previously. Nope, things like this deserved a big fat dose of [i]consequences[/i]. Even when she was face to face with the Mercedes, there was not a single second in which Marisol had any second thoughts about what she was going to do. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Adrenaline was rushing through her system, getting mixed up with her anger in an explosive cocktail. And with every second she stood there, the anticipation kept growing, until she finally couldn’t wait any longer. And so, Mari took in a deep breath, raised the bat over her head and slammed it as hard as she could against the windshield of Victoire’s car. The sound had startled Victoire, causing her to nearly drop everything she’d been holding. Stuffing her papers and notebooks into her bag, she noticed a few people were looking out the window including her idiot brother. Lucas’ jaw was dropped, accompanied by Nadia slowly raising her phone. Great, some dumb shit was happening because the amount of shit she needed to clean up clearly wasn’t enough. Walking out of the cafeteria, she spotted the source of the noise: Marisol, a baseball bat, and Victoire’s Mercedes. At first she thought it was some sort of stress-induced hallucination, the shock of it putting her firmly in the realm of disbelief. Of course, reality came back rather quickly, her disbelief replaced by anger. “[color=deepskyblue]Oh, for [i]fuck’s[/i] sake![/color]” She yelled at the girl. “[color=deepskyblue]What is wrong with you?![/color]” Mari looked up at Victoire with the fakest of concerned looks, lips pursed in a mock pout. [color=brown]“What do you mean?”[/color] she asked sarcastically, shamelessly swinging the bat again and taking down the car’s left side view mirror. [color=brown]“Everything’s fucking perfect, Bailey!”[/color] “[color=deepskyblue]If by ‘perfect’ you mean ‘insane’ then I would agree with you,[/color]” Victoire snapped back, throwing her bag on the ground. Marisol laughed cynically, twirling the bat around again as she waltzed to the other side of the car, where the other side view mirror was waiting to be sacrificed in the name of love -or, better yet: insanity, as Victoire had said before. [color=brown]“Insane’s exactly what you were when you decided to make out with Sonny and throw my name around afterwards, you self-righteous bitch!”[/color] the short girl shouted aggressively, cheeks red with anger now. Another mighty swing at the right side’s mirror… And down it goes! Huh, she had almost forgotten about that. The somewhat amused thought was pushed back as Victoire very carefully approached Marisol, making sure to stay out of swinging range as she positioned herself, though she jumped as she smashed the mirror. “[color=deepskyblue]Holy shit--Marisol! Enough![/color]” She shouted back, making a grab for the bat. Even in her enraged state, there was still a sliver of something resembling reason in the back of her head. Mari knew that if she swung the bat at the bitch and Vic took a hit, she would very much be expelled and thrown into jail. But if she didn’t react, she would not only be looking like a complete idiot in front of whoever was watching, but it would defeat the purpose of her little scene. So in a split second decision, Marisol dropped the bat and lunged herself towards Victoire, tackling the slightly taller girl against the Mercedes’ hood with all of her strength. The unexpected tackle had caught Victoire off guard, her head slamming against the metal. Despite seeing stars for a moment, she tried to get the enraged Marisol off of her, to no avail. Fortunately for her, two teachers came to her rescue: successfully pulling the girl off her and keeping her away from Vic. It was then that she realized Marisol’s stunt had drawn attention from nearly everyone that was around. Mari had been so caught up in trying to fight Vic that she completely failed to remember that King’s Academy was not just composed of students, but of faculty members as well. So when she felt a pair of older, stronger hands roughly pulling her away from the raven-haired girl, the shock had been enough for Mari to not fight back. Instead, she simply let her the teachers drag her away by the arms, both males going on and on about how this was a serious violation of not only the school rules, but the law as well, and how it was looking very likely that she would be expelled. If this was meant to make her feel any type of remorse or regret about her actions, it sure as hell wasn’t working. Marisol was too damn proud of what she’d done. Meanwhile, another teacher was tending to the unfortunate victim. [b]“Are you alright?”[/b] the the older woman asked Victoire, looking down at her with a concerned expression. Rubbing the back of her sore head, she nodded, her eyes still on Marisol as she was dragged away. Looking back at her now ruined car, she let out a low growl of annoyance. That damn lunatic! As she inhaled a deep breath to calm herself down, she adjusted her uniform, carefully brushing away any pieces of glass that may have gotten on her. Recognizing that the teachers were probably going to take her to the principal’s office, Victoire scooped her bag up, letting out a huff. In the middle of her walk of "shame", Marisol turned her smug face in the direction of Jun and Sonny again. When she saw their expressions, she couldn’t help but let out a laugh. [color=brown]“Hey dipshits: don’t forget to come visit me at my jail cell, okay?”[/color] she shouted at them, throwing them a kiss before disappearing into the building. [/indent]