[color=DAA520][b]Ferron[/b][/color] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Lord of Metal sat within the temple, resting so that he may regain his strength. During which time, he began to contemplate his plans forward. He occupied his mind thinking of solutions to the various needs that he was currently providing with his presence. Most pressing of the concerns was defense, and the reason why he could not immediately proceed to fulfill the other needs of his colony in a permanent manner. To expend more power at this time would open him, and his children, up to attack, however he could rest within the village and provide for his dwarves in more temporary manner. Among the other needs that he needed more permanent solutions were lightning, clothing, medicine, and lumber. Things that were plentiful on the surface, but much rarer beneath the earth. While he did not trust the other gods to collaborate on defense, he did consider asking the other gods to assist him on these smaller, yet still crucial, points. While Ferron was lost pondering about how to proceed, the doors to the temple swung open. One of the smaller dwarves, Stag, rushed in panting, "Come, come quickly, Lord Ferron." Ferron got up from his chair, asking, [color=DAA520]"What is the matter."[/color] The small dwarf replied, "It is Cob. He is trying to break down the gate." Ferron sighed, signalling for Stag to follow him, as he walked his way up the tunnel towards the entrance of the village. At the gate, Cob was trying to bring one of the hammers from the forge against the wall with no effect. A group of other dwarves surrounded him, each trying to convince him to stay. Once Ferron arrived, each of the dwarves surrounding him rushed up to him, shouting over each other. The god spoke softly, [color=DAA520]"Please, be silent for a moment. Now, Cob, what are you attempting to do." [/color] And with that, the other dwarves were silent. Cob lowered his hammer to his side, and turned around, "Trying to escape. I don't wish to spend my entire life trapped within this cave." Ferron replied, [color=DAA520]"You are aware that the outside world is dangerous. That I may not be able to protect you from the ferocious beasts or the scheming gods. That you may not find food or water, and perish as a result? That once you cross that threshold, you may become lost and never find your way back? "[/color] Cob paused for a moment, and replied, "Yes, but you can't keep me here forever." Ferron nodded, and with a simple hand gesture, the village gate opened. The other went to protest, but Ferron merely stated, [color=DAA520]"That gate is to protect you, not trap you." [/color]. Once Cob crossed over to the other side, another simple hand gesture caused the gate to close once again. The god returned to resting within his chair in the temple.