[color=c4df9b][b]Lancer Ajax Forest Area[/b][/color][hr] [color=c4df9b]"No names needed."[/color] Ajax stretched for a moment. [color=c4df9b]"It is that kind of war."[/color] Short, and concise. She did not show any sign whether the stance Rider took was anything strange, or even if she recognized it at all. Ajax stopped for a moment, as if looking towards the canopy of the forest for something, before turning back to Rider, readying herself for combat. She did not take up any sort of stance, simply opting for a relaxed standing posture. [color=c4df9b]"Come. Defeat me, nameless one, if you can."[/color] [color=c4df9b][i]Master. Remember to be on guard. This Servant shall not harm you whilst I still fight them, but other treacheary might abound, with or without this Servant's knowledge.[/i][/color] Whatever tricks this enemy Servant might have and employ, they would find that Ajax would not be defeated that easily.