Hogan looked up as Arthur addressed him, he was talking about the time? What was Hogan supposed to know about that, the only important time is feeding time. Hogan simply let out a low rumble in response to Arthur. Hogan then looked away and opened up his mouth to vent out some heat, a hiss escaped his mouth as he let out heat he'd a acquired from being cooped-up in the van. He listened as Arthur ran through the places they could go, some of them sounded nice like the Hillwood garden thing. Then Arthur said how he wanted to give Hogan some time to enjoy himself on this Roosevelt island, and it sounded like a good enough place. Islands had water around them which meant Hogan could have a nice swim. Hogan let out what could be interpreted as a happy gargle, or a worried one, well honestly is just sounded like a gargle. Though Hogan's little gargling noise stopped when he felt the van start to move, he then slowly closed his mouth and shifted a little in the back of the van. He hoped Roosevelt island was close. Unfortunately the midday traffic made the trip much longer than Hogan would've liked, and he was considering trying to bust out of the van but that would make a lot of annoying problems. And he'd have to deal with those problems while feeling sick and that was just a horrible thought. By the time they'd reached the parking lot Hogan was looking a little more green than usual and had his head tilted to the side, his mouth open slightly. His murky yellow eyes looked up at Arthur as the man spoke. Normally he'd protest to something like performing tricks or pretending to be trained. Mostly because he wasn't trained and was too lazy to do tricks. But he was honestly feeling too sick to make a fuss and just slowly nodded then dragged his butt out of the van, plopping onto ground in a massive scaly heap.