[center][img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7434/26954193053_c6def7877f_c.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][h3]Vindicate Operations[/h3]"Your Secrets, Our Problem"[/b][/center] [b]CEO Name & Age[/b]: Félix Lagarde, 38 [b]Headquarters[/b]: Zurich, European Protectorate [b]Major Industries[/b]: Cybersecurity [b]Minor Industries[/b]: Media, Finances [b]Starting Trait[/b]: - [b]Private Wealth[/b]: [i]Company starts as a Close Corporation[/i] and with +1d50 Billions [b]Brief History & Description[/b]: Originally a pet project of Félix's grandfather, the eccentric but highly-gifted Rémy Lagarde, Vindicate quickly shed it's original social justice and 'robin-hood' principles, growing into a leading industry of cyber-security. The nature of much of Vindicate's work gives it a certain clandestine appearance, but under the leadership of Félix, a self-confessed socialite, the company has taken strides to improve it's public image, even investing into a burgeoning media industry.