[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170828/de4fb32b6dba717be14cb6eeb8aeaf1c.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)[/h3][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=ed1c24]Funeral Home:[/color][/b] Ryan cocked a weird look over towards Riley before shaking his head a bit. "Shit, if it was a problem I wouldn't have offered," he said before glancing at Priya and nodding a bit as she said she was stepping outside. Ryan went back to work as she left finishing up the details of the funeral. What music selections, who wanted to speak. There wasn't going to be a lot of people. He had to cross one name off the list, a kid named Ronnie. Shaking his head he pulled out his check book and wrote out a check for the funeral costs. Handing it over before asking David if they could hang for a few minutes. Have a talk and all. David was understanding and said they could use the weeping room. It was just a little alcove behind a curtain to the right. "Don't let them out of your sight," he told Cyril about the kids before stepping over and holding the curtain open for Riley. "Come on, figure you have a shit ton of questions and if I remember anything about shit Chloe told me, I know the last place you want to go it to your parents for a cup of coffee." He was ready to answer questions. At least as best he could. He was pretty sure the big one would be was why her lesbian sister had a husband and kids. That was a pretty damn big question. Outside, oh yeah there were foot prints. They came in from the east side of the yard and exited the south. They faded quickly. There was the smell of smoke in the air and looking over in the direction to the east and to the north, one could see smoke rising above the trees far off in the distance in the woods beyond the cemetery that was across the street from where they were. The sound of fire sirens were growing. It came speeding around the corner and drove past towards where the smoke was coming from. A [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/4ded79a98e1c24c6dabe16c320b89b8a/tumblr_mr2da1NH321r84cfko4_250.gif]man[/url] standing on the back bumper of the fire truck held on and grinned slightly at Priya as he passed. [b][color=ed1c24]The Farm:[/color][/b] "Yes I am fucking sure!.... I... Yes Ma'am...No I understand. Yes, I can be there in an hour. Of course," Zoie said on the phone. She had been yelling to start and slowly as she opened her door dropped her voice down to a normal level. Relic came out of his room and crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her. He got the shhh look from his sister and she nodded. "No, I understand. Thank you. Oh really? Must have gotten it wrong, they are new after all and all that happened under their watch. I'd say she was the brains of the operation. Exactly ma'am. Of course. Thank you, I will take care of it," she said before hanging up the phone. "Everything okay?" Relic asked as she slipped her phone in her back pocket. Zoie looked up and nodded. "Yeah, think so. Listen, they want me to..." "Take Marcs body back to Grimm today, all the paper work is taken care of and the body is being transferred straight to the airport. They want to know who killed the couple at the party and you just laid the blame on MSS and the fact Alicia is dead so they must not have a brain enough to operate properly." Zoie looked at her brother slightly slack jawed until he turned his head and she spotted the bud in his ear. "Twaddle knocker," she growled but he just chuckled. "Right, I gotta leave in ten to head to the air port. You coming?" she asked and he shook his head. "Why?" "I need to take care of some shit here. I'll see you when you get back," he said before heading down stairs. Zoie sighed. "Hey Mali, want to come with me to Chicago and then Grimm? Get out of the heat around here for a bit," she half yelled. "Um, I gotta pack, if you wanna come there's a suit case in the closet, leaving in ten. If not, will call you when I get back," she said leaving it open but she really hoped Mali would come. Her brother was leaving her high and dry and she didn't want to be alone to drop off a dead friend. [b][color=ed1c24]Queensguard:[/color][/b] There was a moment before the text started coming back on the screen. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/mdWZGz/hello.gif[/img][/center]Then the screen went dark and the system booted back up as if nothing happened. Little Liam rolled over in his play pin and started babbling and blowing raspberries between his lips since he had spit his pacifier out of his mouth. [b][color=ed1c24]Texas/Mexico Border:[/color][/b] "You listen to me Rogue, you can't die. Your ass absorbs death, so put that out of your head," Roy said as he got up from the desk. Apparently Tim was busy dealing with some wild fire breaking out in the woods and was on the phone trying to get the state departments in to do a water drop. "Yeah, come to Buellers," he said looking out the window and grinning slightly. "Bumblebee will be at the loading zone to pick you up, send me the information," he said before giving her some more words and then hanging up. Looking down at his phone he noticed he had another message. It was his "partner." He sent her a quick text. [i]"Got caught up, forest fire tying up resources. Got a call, have to go pick up a forensic tech in Chicago. Will be back tonight late. Tim will come get you all in a bit. Have us two rooms at Ramada Inn, leaving room key here at the station."[/i] He sent through before grabbing Tim by the collar. "Yours?" "Yeah.." "Keys, now," he said and Tim grumbled but he fished them out of his pocket and handed it over. "Thanks." "DON'T PUT A SCRATCH ON IT!!!!" he yelled as Roy jogged out of the police station. It was a long drive back to Chicago.