Seeing Keith sent a wave of relaxation washing through Shiro. Overnight, this dishevelled young land-man had become synonymous with his relaxed state of happiness and Shiro didn't want to think about it too deeply at this moment. He flashed a toothy grin Keith's way and ducked under the surface to swim up closer to him. He broke the surface beneath Keith's feet and grinned again as he exclaimed in happiness, "Keys!" He felt a rush in his chest as he laid eyes on this man. He looked different in the natural daylight and the reds within the sunset were highlighted all over his pale skin. Shiro noticed that he didn't have the smell lingering about him this time, instead he smelled what he could only describe as 'Keith'. It was fascinating that the land creatures all had such pungent smells and wore them so openly. Under the sea, smells were different. Smells were emotions and the biggest emotion was fear. It had an acrid tang like the smell of blood and it was almost always accompanied by the throbbing of someone's heart. Shiro looked up to Keith and he desperately wanted to speak with him, to have a conversation with him. He wanted to talk to him about where Keith had been that day and what he was doing on the beach with all of the wood and the tools. He thought for a moment, staring out to the beach, then looked back and touched Keith's hand softly, then pointed out to the wooden structure he was making. His skin felt tingly up his arm where he had touched Keith's hand and again his stomach rushed with excitement. He just hoped that Keith wasn't repulsed by his touch. He pointed again and looked quizzically at Keith, then patted the water, wondering perhaps if it was a vessel for him to use on the water. There were many in the harbour a few miles along the coast and were used very regularly. He wondered whether Keith knew how to sail. He had seemed quite averse to the water the night before.