[indent][u][b]February 7th; 1:32 PM Lycus Dorm, University of Poseidonis, Atlantis[/b][/u][/indent] [color=orchid]"Right, going!"[/color] said Karen quickly, turning to the door without hesitation and throwing it open. Virgil was on the other side, having apparently been quite eager to offer his own apologies. At least he was in the right frame of mind for the verbal lashing that was undoubtedly about to ensue. Bjorn was also still in the hallway. Whether or not he would also be subject to her little brother's wrath was anyone's guess. That being said, she was suddenly grateful to now be in her position instead of theirs. Nodding her goodbyes to the both of them as she passed, Karen started on her way back to the Asterion dorm, where she would inevitably face an even greater challenge: scandalous fashion.