[hr][hr][right][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mYWRiOTQuUzJGcGRHOCwuMA,,/dupleto.regular.png[/img][/right][hr][hr] Iyasu Kaito was a creature of habit. His morning routine was mundane, but one that hadn't changed in over ten years. He would wake up from his slumber with a yawn and stretch his hands above his head, his sleepiness causing him to forget the wall was right there as he would hit his hand. After taking a moment to rub his sore knuckle, he would take in a deep breath and sit up. Jumping up from bed, he would then stretch the rest of his limbs and go on to the bathroom for some minor self grooming. So when he stretched this time and found no wall to hit, despite his grogginess he knew something was off. Opening his eyes slowly, he could see the sky above him. Blinking a few times, his other sense slowly started to kick in; he felt the hard ground underneath him, heard some sort of wildlife in the distance, and smelled the grass he was currently laying down on. Slowly sitting up, he observed his unfamiliar surroundings, the sheer amount of green throwing him for a loop. Was he dreaming? Pinching his cheek, he determined the pain felt real enough, but he had no idea where he was. Standing up, Kaito looked around as he took a few steps. "[color=lemonchiffon][b]Uh...[/b][/color]" He voiced his confusion, a somewhat moot point considering he had yet to see anyone else around.