"[color=ed1c24]Of course there was a Nightstone. You think we named our damn towns by rolling a bunch of dice to figure things out?[/color]" Guradsman Shitass snapped. "[color=ed1c24]This isn't a damn game you know.[/color]" Though his attitude hadn't improved in the slightest, he did seem to relax slightly. There was the possibility he might not have seen the people before him as mere looters and might have upgraded them in his mind into the category of 'vagabond' or 'transient'. "[color=f26522]As I started saying before, he is Torem Breck.[/color]" Sydiri cut in, now that it seemed the man was done with his outright accusations. "[color=f26522]She is Alara Winterspell and he is Kaelen Zam.[/color]" She continued, indicating first the Damaran woman and then the Tethyrian man. "[color=f26522]We haven't the slightest clue why we were attacked for the Nightstone. We have had no trouble with giants before and would have given little complaint if they wished to examine the stone in peace.[/color]" "[color=0076a3]We can tend to burial rights between what is left of Lady Nandar's guard as our final duty to her line. You are welcome to stay in our town to rest and recover if you need to do so. If you are truly dedicated to helping discover what has become of our people, then I would offer you either the Nightstone Inn if it still stands or our own barracks if you desire.[/color]" said Alara, after firmly rebuffing Tortetarte's offer.