[i]Zaara stepped out onto the sidewalk from inside of her little shop. From the outside, it appeared to look run down and less than loved. But on the inside told a completely different story. It was bright and colourful, soft music playing accompanied by the scent of sweet incense. A small window inlaid in the brickwork was the only thing giving away the secret. As she stepped down onto the rough pavement in her bare feet, the few people passing by gave her unapproving glances. Her long dreads laid against her shoulders and back, and the [url=http://seekersmatch.com/images/Kenya-engagement/Kenyan-Wedding-Photos-2017-v9.jpg]dress[/url] she wore swayed around her calves. She got glances like that more often then not, but still she sighed to herself. She held a small bag which contained her dearest possessions. Her crystal wand, chalk, and a few other things that made her feel close to home. And next to her was a suitcase with her clothing. A car approached and she looked at it for a moment, before turning back around to her shop. [color=662d91]"See you soon, mother..."[/color] she said softly, and from the window in the wall, she saw her mum smiling, and waved. She turned back and stared at the vehicle in awe for a few moments. Mr. Birmingham opened up his door and then proceeded to gather the other items she would be taking with her, placing it neatly with the others. He opened up the passenger door and she peered in only to see two people, and a small monkey staring back. She couldn't quite make out the woman's features but she smiled a little and got into the vehicle.[/i] Mr Birmingham stepped out of the car, [color=39b54a]“Good Morrow, Miss Nyaga. Pleasure to meet the Voodoo Princess of East street. My niece Moira, says your love potion got her, her husband.”[/color] He moved to open the door, bowing to her quickly, [color=00a651]“Sorry for the rush, but we are running late. Mr Redmire and Miss Haven are located in the cabbie. They are also on the collection list.”[/color] Jinx bit her lip moving over to poke her veiled head out of the door, [color=6ecff6]“Ummm...Hi Zaara, Darling!...Uh How’s Moeder Nyaga doing?”[/color] If blushing was a possibility she would be doing it ten fold, but her cheeks remained palid blueish white. Jinx thought back of her time in Kenya, performing her show for the people of Kendu Bay. She loved the area, the children giving her beautiful shells and fish. After only a few nights she had the honour of being invited to meet Zaara and her mother in their village. Their tribe was usually fairly closed to the outside world, so only she could enter the village. Edgar had been a bit miffed but understood that she should of course accept. She got along well with the women, opening up about her special gifts and her home. She remembered the warnings the old woman had given her, and her lack of realization of what was to come. [i]Zaara smiled softed as Mr. Birmingham mentioned a love potion she had given to his niece, Miora. A faint blush spread across her ebony cheeks and she nodded once. Just as she was shifting into the seat, she saw the woman poke her head forward a bit and she spoke. Her voice was familiar, and she realized that Mr. Birmingham had mentioned Haven. This woman knew who Zaara was, and she looked closer only to realize it was Jinx. Her eyes widened and her jaw opened up slightly in surprise. [color=662d91]“Jinx…?”[/color] Zaara whispered. She didn’t know how to react and leaned in to hug the old friend.[/i] Jinx slammed into the other side of the cabbie as Zaara came forward, fear moving up her spine at being found out but then again she longed to touch another human. Especially her friend. She spoke quietly, [color=6ecff6]“Sorry..habit.”[/color] She leaned in to hug Zaara back, her body cold and slightly thin. She pulled away after a few minutes, her voice warm and slightly emotional, [color=6ecff6]“I’m sorry I haven't kept in touch...when did you decide to move to England?”[/color] [i]Zaara hugged Jinx and she felt cold and strange. When she pulled back she tried to get a look at her face, but couldn’t see clearly through the lace. She lifted one shoulder up into a shrug when Jinx apologized for not keeping in touch. [color=662d91]“Things happen love. I’ve been here for quite some time…”[/color] Zaara realized then that it wasn’t just herself and Jinx in her company. She turned a little to get a look at the gentleman. [color=662d91]“My name is Zaara… Sorry to have ignored you.”[/color][/i] Jinx gave a brief smile, then lifted her hand to speak for the other guest, “[color=6ecff6]Yes I suppose they do. This is Mr. Redmire. Astound alchemist and gunsmith apparently. Mr Redmire, this is Mrs Nyaga, a dear friend from the past. She harbors from Kenya, beautiful country if you ever have the opportunity to visit there.”[/color] Looking out to where they had stopped, it looked like the shop that he’d heard about, but never had a chance to actually visit. He simply sat and observed. This woman, Mrs. Nyaga, she was unique and quite out of place for England, at least that was one thought, but if she knew of the voodoo arts then, then for this ministry, he could see the use of having her. He took a moment to puff on the pipe as he looked off into the busy street, watching another cabbie pass by. His thoughts wandered until he heard his name said. Looking back over he pulled the pipe from his mouth and tipped his tophat to Mrs. Nyaga, “Not a problem, from the looks of it, you two are good friends. I wouldn’t wish to interrupt your reunion.” He said smiling at her as, Miss Haven introduced him further to Mrs. Nyaga. “Well it’s pleasant to meet you. Now unfortunately I haven’t been to Kenya though I’ve heard many good things, not to mention at some point when this organization is through with me, or on a vacation of some kind, I hope to visit.” He held the pipe in his mouth once more and puffed on it a few times. Jinx, pet Esmeralda quietly, listening to Quindaro before chirping in, [color=6ecff6]“HIghly recommended. Wonderful people. Edgar and I couldn't stop raving...about it.”[/color] Her tone turned cold as she looked out the window, [color=6ecff6]“Seems like ages ago!”[/color] [i]Zaara cleared her throat after there was a brief awkward silence from Jinx. [color=662d91]“So, do you two know why you were summoned to the Ministry?”[/color] She was curious, and would rather listen to others than speak of herself. [/i] [color=6ecff6]“I suppose my ability to translate with the other side is seen as useful to them. Of course I’ve been...on retirement for years so I have no idea why they would want me specifically. Seems like everyone has the true gift nowadays! Madame Dupoff from Fleet street seems to have quite the show I hear.”[/color] Jinx responded sulkily, hating her old competition. Shrugging slightly, he held the pipe as he spoke, “I’m guessing that ever since I stumbled upon a dig site outside my hometown, the ministry kept a record of me. Ever since, I’ve had experiences that are… Unbelievable to the average person... Not to mention my aptitude for mechanical work and Alchemy attracted them as well. Though that’s merely a guess.” He sat back in the seat and thought of the strange creatures he’d encountered ever since his moving to London. [i]Zaara simply nodded at the answers the two had given her, though refused to let on about her own abilities. She was very guarded, and even though she knew Jinx, it had been a very long time since she had last met with her in person. Many things had changed, and she wasn’t comfortable with giving herself away that quickly. She fell silent after a little while and simply enjoyed the ride to what would be her new ‘home’.[/i]