[hr][center][h2]Ambivalence and Curiosity[/h2][/center] [@FoxSoxs][@BurningDaisies][hr] [quote=@FoxSoxs] "[color=0076a3]I was making a deal with the witch that owns these lands. We concluded our business so she saw me out... Without my permission...[/color]"[/quote] [color=#f2eac9][i]I bet he got swept along by Heleva. Everyone does[/i][/color] A mischievous smirk tugged at her lips as a few jokes percolated in her mind. As if reading her thoughts, Marik subtly and sharply elbowed her in the side, derailing her train of thought with a soft thud. She smiled plainly to hide to a grimace. The demon didn't seem to be in the mood to be teased. Marik didn't have any love for the creature, this [i]Vaettir[/i], and he understood the feeling was mutual, but he also didn't want to provoke it. He had heard stories of the demon's necromantic powers, and that fact alone was enough to justify avoiding the demon altogether. [quote] "[color=0076a3]What brings you two here? Deals with the witch as well or simply seeking shelter. You both look, worse to wear.[/color]" [/quote] Vaettir always seemed to be avoiding Astrid when they met, quickly finding an excuse to leave, so she was initially stunned at his sudden interest. Then she remembered she was still wearing the itchy, smelly burlap pancho and little else, which left her feeling vulnerable and annoyed. She fidgeted. [color=#f2eac9][b]"You're not wrong, I suppose..."[/b][/color] She ground out at last, trying to remain polite. [color=#f2eac9][b]"Heleva has been accommodating of me in the past, so I was hoping to rely on her good will once again. We've just returned from the Devil's Spine, and we're low on both money and supplies. Yet, I..."[/b][/color] her word trailed off into silence. [color=#f2eac9][i]I wonder, if it was the best idea to come here.[/i][/color] Her gaze seemed drawn to the single longhouse at the center of the town. [color=#c6d6c2][b]"I'm sure you've seen the lights."[/b][/color] Marik interjected and stuck a thumb over his shoulder at the mountains behind him. [color=#c6d6c2][b]"The magic in the area has shifted, and not for the better. The forest was empty on our way back, which is an ill omen if I ever saw one. We were going to report back to the adventurer's guild after we gather more supplies. Unfortunately, that means we must be on our way."[/b][/color] He glanced at Astrid, urging her to wrap up her conversation. Astrid ignored him, and the itchy fabric too. [color=#f2eac9][b]"So what drove you to visit Heleva? I thought you didn't like entering human settlements."[/b][/color] Her eyes brightened with curiosity. Her intuition told her it must have been important.