[hider=File: Project Nexus | Crash-1] [hider=Permission granted, accessing the file] [center] [img]https://s1.zerochan.net/Pixiv.Id.5334620.600.2368459.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7HxketE.png[/img] 5’3” | 130 lbs | 17 year's old | Male | Nicknames/Aliases: Revan, Crash-1 - [color=8dc73f][b]Gift:[/b][/color] Revan's gift [color=8dc73f]Green Bolt[/color] is an odd mix of acceleration, compression and electrical powers that he has inherited from his family. The gift allows him to propel himself with dash manoeuvres, which increases his acceleration drastically in ground, sea and even air. An electric green aura emanates from Revan's body while being under influence of his gift, electricity bursting out of his body. The way he gains power is by harnessing piezoelectricity that the material is producing while under stress (quartz, synthetic crystal or any other crystalline object with electric potential) with his compression powers, able to utilize it as long as the object is connected with his body. There are downsides to these powers, however, as there are major flaws that opponent could exploit. If he was to somehow lose his power source (either enemy destroying the crystal or losing the wrist bracelet holding the said crystal), he wouldn't be able to use the gift in the first place. The enemy could also exploit his predictable movement during a dash, as he's unable to change directions during the manoeuvre. Said dash also leaves him vulnerable after performing it, as his body has yet to fully adapt to sudden high speeds bursts and can't repeatedly abuse the power without exhausting himself out. - [color=8dc73f][b]Loyalty:[/b][/color] Liberty, Agent [color=8dc73f][b]Description:[/b][/color] Standing at around 5’3”, Revan's is quite small when compared to his peers, but he makes up with his lean and athletic build from years of rough training. His light skin is mostly scar free with exception of small scar in his right chest from one of his sparring matches. Lime green stripe would be painted on both sides of his cheek, glowing brightly while using his gift. He has a metallic bracelet with a quartz attached to it. The said crystal has strong piezoelectricity potential, much bigger compared to normal quartz crystals. However, it's also quite more unstable compared to lower powered ones and can break if stricken with enough force or even blow up with too much compression from his powers. He wears rather a plain t-shirt alongside with his white jacket, a mix of black and green stripes on both items of clothing. Revan is always seen wearing his 'Rocket-skates', which is a hybrid of jet hoverskate/grind shoes. The Rocket-skates heavily resemble modernized soap shoes with both soles having seven mini-jets exhausts. Said jets allows him to propels himself forward, allowing him to reach high speeds by skating without having to resort to his gift. Basically, shoes allow him to hover above the ground. The alternative, albeit an unconventional one, is by using the middle part of the shoes (which has a noticeable arch on it) to grind on the surface. It's also capable of temporary flight if he overdrives his jet exhausts, but it can quickly overtax the power source and as such, uses it sparingly. [color=8dc73f][b]Personality:[/b][/color] To the people who have met him, they have described him as carefree type, always seen listening to music with his headphones and accompanying a confident smirk. During the battle, he usually takes a healthy dose of pragmatism, using nearby objects as weapons and preferring to end the conflict as quickly rather than prolonging the fight. Inside his mind though, he has many fears, being trained young for war has made him quite tense and constantly worrying about messing up somehow. Regrets, whether it be failing person or even making minor mistakes, end up usually eating him as he unable let go of even smallest of screw ups. Coupled with anxiousness seemingly looming near him every day, Revan struggles in social situations, always carefully considering his word of choices. Despite the worries, however, he's fiercely loyal to people close to him and to the state, believing in the values that the Liberty holds. If there one thing he has no doubts on, then it's that he fights for core beliefs of his nation: Rights to all and protecting the people, even if part of himself is sacrificed. It can be quite difficult for him, but he had figured out long ago that it's easier to put a mask of confidence in front of others than fighting straight on against the negative traits that he possesses. - [color=8dc73f][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Revan is quite a formidable when it comes to his agility from years of intense training, with his mobility being drastically boosted with help of his rocket skates. His gift synergizes well with his attributes and equipment, increasing his acceleration and speed in short bursts. A pragmatic fighter trained in unarmed fighting, developing his own freestyle of fighting by taking parts from multiple arts. [color=8dc73f][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] While still capable, Revan loses most of his mobility when without his rocket skates and is quite reliant on his gadgets in general for full effectiveness in the field. A gift requires some very specific materials that have the piezoelectric potential to be used at all and is unable to change direction while dashing, which perceptive opponent can exploit. While pragmatic and being trained in various martial arts, he lacks the combat experience to fully exploit the advantages provided by his fighting style and is prone to much more experienced opponents. - [color=8dc73f][b]Brief History:[/b][/color] Born into the city where loyalty to the state is everything and becoming a candidate of something big, it was pretty inevitable for him to be standing in this facility he called home, their training nearing to its end as they were about to head a tough road that is Ashland. Revan is an only child in his family, his father being a well-known retired agent who worked now as Drill Instructor and mother a scientist, part of a group in research department trying to find the potential use of alternative and possibly more efficient power sources. Fondest memories of his were a young boy with big aspirations, playing as a warrior who fought against tyranny, freeing everyone from invisible chains of evil and having epic fights of massive scales. For all his good intentions, his ethics and beliefs were guided by his parents and to the extent, government. Young Revan really didn't question much, going with the flow instead and having a rather normal life for a while. However, upon discovering is a gift by accident at the age of 11 when he got chance to examine quartz crystal (nearly falling off the window from the force), his father's more influential friends took notice. Particularly, the man simply named 'Noel' offered a young boy a chance to join a group called 'Nexus' where he could be trained into someone Revan has dreamed of becoming. With approval from his parents and appealing offer, 13-year-old boy didn't have much reason to say no to joining the cause. Next four years he has endured rough training down in the training camp alongside other selected individuals, a project to train the generation for the brutal fight against their long enemy, Erubesco. During that time, the research department would create various experimental equipment and weapons, some quite successful, but many either 'non-satisfactory' or simply being a failure. One of the experimental equipment would be given to Revan, which was simply nicknamed 'Rocket-skates'. With trial and error, along with improvements to the rocket-skates design, Revan slowly became more proficient with his gift, attaining a grasp into his powers. With years flying through his head and final training finished as his tutors watched, remaining trainee's of the 'Project Nexus' were now full-fledged agents of the state. As he boarded the train, an uncanny feeling would slip in as he stared at the facility that he was leaving. Sure, he was now going to fulfil his long dream of having a chance to free people from corrupt nobility that festered in Erubesco, but it felt as if part of his soul was missing. Maybe it's his longtime anxiety messing with his brain, but as the train started moving, his grip tightened as he thought about everything that has happened so far in his life. But either way, there's no point in turning back anymore, the only way to look now is forward. It's been quite an experience for him to come this way to becoming an agent for the state, but if his efforts were worth it in the end or if the past is going to bite back at him is early to tell. Answers only lie in vast distances of rock and sand for him. [color=8dc73f][b]Other:[/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw0Gsw-l96s]Theme Song[/url] [/center] [/hider] [/hider]