[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181006/ff651b493f8d03c31ec12f0bca6b89af.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xcPOUPP.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]School Cafeteria [color=white]|[/color] Palm Beach, Florida[/b] August 20th, 2018[/color][hr][/right] [indent][color=709679]“Note to self. Don't ever fuck with that person.”[/color] JJ commented to his sister as he walked away from the scene that had just happened. Maya Reyes rolled her eyes as her and her brother returned to their seats in the cafeteria. While JJ may have made a note to not cross paths with either of the two girls involved his sister couldn't be any less interested. When their father moved them out to Florida and assigned them to a stodgy prep school she thought it was going to be the most boring shit ever but here they were not even out of [i]August[/i] and a girl had [i]football tackled[/i] another one. Where JJ found anxiety, Maya found amusement and excitement. [color=5A9B91]“Are you for real, Jay? If that's a staple around here I'm going to need to bring some popcorn next time. I'm just glad I caught most of it with my phone.”[/color] She commented, proudly, as she laughed. [color=5A9B91]“I live for this shit.”[/color] JJ shook his head as he took a drink. Maya's disposition to drama, conflict, and parties were things he didn't have; and in cases like this he wondered how they were even related in the first place. He thought back to the two girls, how the tomboyish girl swung the bat around, to the point she had to get dragged off. He was only surprised she hadn't attacked the teacher that had pulled her off the other girl. He figured a place like King's Academy would have better standards, but maybe Floridians were just as unhinged as he thought when he drove Maya to the party a few nights back? Dealing drugs, attacking people with a baseball bat? It all made King's seem like the kind of prep school you'd hear stories about; how it had “fallen from grace”. Maya may had been entertained by the spectacle of it all, but JJ wasn't. Not one bit. [color=709679]“You're insane. Maybe more insane than that girl.”[/color] [color=5A9B91]“Hey. At least I'm not an idiot. I wouldn't be so stupid to attack someone at [i]school[/i].”[/color] He shrugged. [color=709679]“Yeah. I wonder what's going to happen to her?”[/color] Maya rolled her eyes as she looked at JJ like he was an idiot. [color=5A9B91]“Well, she's not going to get kicked out. She's [i]white[/i]. If you or me did that shit, we'd be out of here real quick even with our dad's money. I guarantee you she'll be back in school in less than a week. Probably with a fake-ass apology or some shit.”[/color] JJ didn't respond to Maya's comment on the girl's privileged. He didn't know her or how the school tolerated acts of violence and damaged property, all he knew was that he wanted to stay away as far as he could from the girl that had been addressed as Marisol by the other girl. [/indent]