(AFTER ENCOUNTER WITH YIN) Albion exits the bathroom and walks down the hall, observing a bulletin board stating that the Provisional Exams are currently taking place. Intrigued to see what the more experienced students can do, Albion decides to see if Yin would like accompany him to the exams. Going back to the testing class, he notices Yin is no longer there. [color=ed1c24][i]She must've decided to go herself.[/i][/color] Meanwhile outside the school in the grassy field, Yin and a few other students were conversing. Everyone seemed to be bumping into everyone lately, Yin thought as Alexa brushed herself off. The weird dude from the physical exam, Herito, ran off as Jyn replaced him in the circle. "[color=92278f]Very nice to meet you.[/color]" she added. She motioned to them to continue the conversation outside. "[color=92278f]Yeah. At this point i'm just hoping to get in because of the fiasco of both the exams.[/color]"She grimaced, while she noticed another girl with an eyepatch peacefully snoozing under the tree. [color=92278f][i]Wish i could unwind...[/i][/color] Suddenly Albion came rushing out of the U.A. "[color=ed1c24]Yo, Yin... did you hear the provisional exams are going on right now? I think we should see what the the older students got up their sleeve! I'm sure we'd get there quickly with that portal thing you do...[/color]", feeling all eyes staring at him he awkwardly said "[color=ed1c24]Wassup... I'm Albion... [/color]". As Yin agreed to using her rift quirk to transport all her new acquaintances, she opened a rift and stated " [color=92278f]Ok everyone let's go. Don't worry we should be fine.[/color]" she said jokingly. Alexa: [color=00aeef]Well Yin, thanks for making me feel safe. She said sarcastically.[/color] The students entered one by one and came out another rift, that put them in the stands of provisional exams. They all took a seat, excited to see what these other students could do and what U.A taught them. Albion: [color=ed1c24]ALRIGHT! Let's see the gap between entrance students and the experienced![/color]