Casterly took the file she was given "thank you for the opertuinty sir" she watched as he left her and he made her way flipping though the file as she walked coming to her office. she waved down a orderly "please have Dr. Quinzel escorted to my office please...her first session will begin soon" the orderly nodded and went towards the cell block. Casterly walked into her office and closed the door before she placed the file down and pulled out a audio recorder "this is Doctor Dunklemen, first audio log file for patient 1532 dash HQ...Doctor Harleen Quinzel AKA Harley Quinn...this is not my first meeting with Dr. Quinzel I once spoke with her when we both were starting out in medicine briefly at a dinner party, My job is to help these men and women reenter society....and i hope to start with Dr. Quinzel" Casterly stopped the recording and waiting for her first patient. -------------------------------------------------------------- Ivy laid on her coat basking the glow of the lamp she was allowed to have that gave off UV light since there was no windows in the cells, Ivy was bored she was not allowed in the garden nor really allowed outside at all, so she just laid in bed. she reached out a green leaf covered arm and grabbed a hardcover book bringing it to her chest before opening up to a spot she had bookmarked and continued to read not paying much attention to what was outside her walls.