Reeza smiled to Lottie as she curtly bowed her head. "Thank you, it is a pleasure to see you as well. I have been busy in my new shop, admittedly I was a little shocked to hear the Captain had need of my skills." Reeza pondered for a moment before realizing the more appropriate response. "Quite possibly, the good captain is looking for my dolls in place of myself." Reeza felt her shoulders relax a little as Lottie's attention was diverted to Lorelei. She felt herself smile beneath the porcelain mask at the attention for her prized invention. "Thank you," she beamed, "remember the core I was perfecting at the Academy?" Gesturing to Lorelei as she stepped back, her voice taking on a more formal tone. "I finished it!" As she carefully adjusted her pose, and mannerisms she turned to Lorelei. "Lorelei, control art restriction. Release!" The doll looked at her mistress for a moment before a deep clockwork humm emitted from within the dolls chest, several seams within the dolls dress began to glow a soft blue. The eyes of Lorelei followed suit, the eyes going from the glassy gaze to a bright blue. Turning towards Lottie, Reeza grinned. "The core is what can be considered a separate power source from what powers my dolls. Allowing her access to additional functions." As Lorelei completed the secondary core activation, Reeza looked towards the mechanical doll. "Level 5, release!" The doll nodded, a pair of simple daggers slid from folds within the dolls dress. As she continued to explain the function of the core system, "Lorelei can sustain combat for approximately thirty minutes before the core exhausts itself. There are additional levels that grant the Lorelei the ability to draw more energy from the core, but at the cost of time she can sustain the activation time." Reeza cleared her voice once last time to issue a new command. "Control art restriction, seal!" Lorelei nodded, a visible thrumming within the dolls chest began to shudder, before going quiet. Reeza bowed to Lorelei as she looked back to Lottie. "She is my prized doll, with her at my side...I feel complete."