Elliot clenched his teeth as they took off. He was unsure of how he felt about the initial experience of take-off. However, he could say for certain that outside of the comfort of Fang's mount the experience was quite unpleasant. The sudden lurching sensation reminded him heavily of the recent storm he experienced upon the Legend’s Forgery. He had a hard time hearing Fang over the wind, however he barely managed. [quote]"The lightborn are just a legend," Fang hollered over the wind, through a sharp grin. "People who were born in sunlight, who've seen a sky without darkness." He laughed at how ridiculous that sounded. A sky all lit up like a fire? How absurd! "Is that you? Are you from some mystical land where the sun still shines? Are you so full of that sunshine that you made even the Wind God think the Light returned?" He looked back at Elliot with narrowed eyes. "You're sure weird enough to actually be a lightborn. If so -- well, there are three other gods you could wake up for us. Turn the tide of war, y'know."[/quote] Elliot wracked his memory of the various legends and stories he had read. The ancient times believed the sun itself to be the mother of all gods and the source of all power and life. Modern science and knowledge dismissed the belief of most of those gods as nothing but fantasy and legend. Even so, belief was not something meant to be proven. Perhaps this was such a place where belief had manifested into reality, or maybe the world as he knew it simply forgot how the world truly was. The dilemma he found himself in confused him far more than anything else as it put everything he understood to be true into question. He knew one thing for certain: there was no way he would risk summoning three more beings that would act just like the “Wind God” would. He would not make another careless mistake like that again. Fang then said something in a hateful tone and suddenly they dove straight toward a windmill at breakneck speed. Elliot yelled out in fear and surprise as the sound of crashing wood and shingles exploded beneath him. What kind of madman was this kid to risk more than one person’s life for such an insane act? What values were being taught to them? As they flew away he could hear Fang yell out. [quote]"HA ha!" Fang shouted back with a snide sneer. "Crawl back to Pyre, freak!"[/quote] [color=lightgreen]“Freak?”[/color] Elliot echoed darkly. He felt a cold anger rise within him. [color=lightgreen]“You did something so stupid with a [i]passenger[/i] over a ‘freak’?”[/color] He knew nothing of the common sense of this part of the world, but this was one thing he could not maintain even a semblance of patience and tolerance for. [color=lightgreen]“Especially when said passenger is a ‘freak’ himself?”[/color] He jerked his finger toward the birthmark on his face. The ugly disfigurement that plagued him in almost all social interaction especially first impressions. Although as he called himself a freak, he was the only one to understand what he meant: murderer. He was a freak because he took a life. Self-defense or not, his disgrace and shame of that act spurred him to hold himself and others to a higher standard. Even so, the act of manslaughter stained his life thoroughly. The temptation to demand he be dropped off right now presented itself as something Elliot considered greatly. He had little idea just what kind of culture he was flying into with this child, but it was one that held no great value for life that was certain. He grit his teeth and held his tongue. He felt he had to burn into his memory the culture of these Kith and learn as much as he could about this world, and he wished to listen to the reaction of Fang before going too far.