Exaggerating would be an understatement to the description of the settlement, even the smallest of towns in his home world of Iothea shines brightly in comparison to the settlement. Though Karl was not here to judge the state of the settlements in the planet, he was here to keep his lord from danger. May it be xeno or heretic, those who would endanger his lord will have a taste of his steel or the fury of his lasgun. His lord was speaking with a man from the Adeptus Mechanicus, strange folk that slightly unnerved Karl. He knew their devotion to the Emperor was undeniably stalwart...but how could he fully trust a man who was mostly machine? Though if his lord would trust the magos, he too shall see the man as someone worthy of his trust. Sadly he could not say the same for the rest of those gathering around the shuttle. These men and women were servants of the Emperor, though he wouldn't be surprised if they would rob a man for a hand-full of Imperial Credits. They lacked the honor and dignity that he and his lord had. Laying a gloved had atop the pommel of his long sword, Karl quietly scanned the group. He observed and inspected for even the slightest amount of aggression aimed towards his lord and his company. A gleam of a sharpened knife. The dark colors of a gun. A clenched fist. Even a scowl. If they were so brazen to do so, Karl would make sure that it would be the last mistake of their lives.