[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SpmluTV.gif[/img][/center] [h1]New Manchester Docks[/h1] [h2][center][color=gold][b]"Fear not citizens! The DAWN HAS RISEN!!!"[/b][/color][/center][/h2] While the gifts has made heroes, villains, terrors, and wonders aplenty, accidents happen. New Manchester for instance had a very bustling port. Hundreds of ships from dozens of trading empires still use the cheaper water bound ships vs the expensive airships for mass transport. Sometimes boats dont stop, sometimes the iron hull of a freighter cracks open a cargo tanker. Sometimes even the bigger ship takes on water, trapping those inside. Everyone has their own way of of contributing to Erubesco, but most use them for their own ends and in this instance, several flew to safety, others used aquatic gifts to make their escape but the majority are not so lucky. The panic issues, the lifeboats were flooded, even as both ships slowly sank into the bay. The hulls ripped open from the impact. Emergency services were on their way, but they had to maintain order, how to focus on the fire from the tanker lest the entire ship blows. The upper crust would be serviced and rescued before the serfs. Once they were secure, then the rescuers would go down the line. That was the plan anyway... Phoenix Dawn was a new knight, a new upstart to the heroic knights that filled the posters and propaganda. Some thought him a copy cat to the seasoned veteran Kora, others saw the larger than life newbie as a shining new example to follow in the golden era of Erubesco, something greatly needed as tempers fly against Liberty. Right now, seeing his blazing shining golden form land effortlessly on the larger tanker, seeing the chaos below, he smiled, his eyes and hands ablaze, his shirt off and hair whipping in the sea air. He proclaimed himself and set to work. He jumped down, planting his feet on the smaller freighter, mostly composed of steel and wood compared to the cast iron plate of the tanker. He set his hands and bank and with a grunt, pushed with all of his might. There was a buckle and the slow groan of metal as the ships separated. He needed to open the gap, letting more rescuers to reach the damaged side of the ships and battle the fire, seal the gashes, and rescue those trapped in the crushed decks. He extended himself, doing the impossible as he pushed with all his might. [color=gold]"By the power of CHIVALRY AND JUSTICE!!!"[/color] He shouted and with a might yell, he separated the two ships. He waved to the rescuers before he took a deep breath and dove under. To every tear in the hull, her pounded them and grabbed the two ends, forcing them back together, sometimes from the inside as he noticed trapped and drowning sailors. He would the hole, tear through the metal decks, coughing and hacking sailors over his shoulders. He would give them a grin before diving back in the water. Over and over and over, the dawn did the impossible. Just to save lives. [hr] [h1]Erubescan Citadel[/h1] [color=purple]"And save for those in the initial crash, no casualties were reported after Phoenix arrived on scene."[/color] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/de/57/7b/de577ba4ed2eaf7f4ea6b653e10c0701.jpg]Alchemist Jasmine[/url] had been in charge of monitoring and reporting on Kyros ever since the disaster. Kyros was the only survivor of the laboratory explosion, and its reasonable to assume that Kyros was responsible, but with all the data they collected, and the results of the hybrid being they created, the Citadel felt it was too good an asset to pass up, regardless of the loss of the facility- provided of course he could be controlled. Jasmine was talking to another Citadel representative when she came in the room, the giant of a man behind her, a uniform and cape with a few medals and bars to commemorate his deeds. Erubesco might have a new poster boy soon. The loud man annouced himself to the meeting room. [color=gold]"Think nothing of it My Lady Jasmine. All in a days work! Serving Erubesco is gratitude and honor enough!"[/color] The giant of a man tilted up his head at the gathering crowd, giving everyone a big heroic smile. He put his fist over his chest in a salute, recognizing those above his humble station. [color=gold]"IT IS WITH DEEPEST HONORS TO MAKE YOUR ACQUAINTANCE LORDS AND LADIES!!! THE PHOENIX DAWN IS AT YOUR SERVICE!!!"[/color] [color=purple]"Uhh Phoenix, your volume."[/color] Jasmine whispered. Kyros stood up straight in attention, but his smile never faded. He threw himself to the ground in a groveling bow but the sheer force of his act of penance caused all the glasses to tink and all the food and trails to jostle, causing folks to react and reach out to keep them from falling. [center][h2][color=gold]"MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES!!!"[/color][/h2][/center] He yelled, even louder even as his face was in the carpet. [color=gold]"My excitement and passion at meeting you all FILLS me with the GREATEST OF JOYS![/color]