[quote=@tobiax] I'm going to be watching this, at least. [s]Also I agree that Light's crest was too much of a McGuffin and was weird in that it was 'iam teh everything'. It could have been much more poignant if it were called, like, persistence or something.[/s] [s]I am very interested but among other things, I don't want to over-commit. That being said, may not be too much of a problem? In that case, I'd like Friendship if no-one wants it first. Or Kindness if Sunbather picks something else.[/s] I'm curious as to how dark this may or may not be [@Altered Tundra]. [/quote] Whether it's to simply observe or not, I welcome it regardless, though the Crest of friendship is free for grabs. =) [quote=@Bornlucky] God, I haven't done a Digimon rp in a long ass time. I'll join as well! I'd take the Crest of sincerity~ Their partner Digimon will be Fanbeemon > Waspmon > CannonBeemon > TigerVespamon If anybody wants to talk ideas I would love to hear them out! [/quote] Your crest and digimon line has been reserved. [quote=@SleepingSilence] I'm favoring Option Two. Because it will kind of combine the tomboy Sora and having a bird digimon. But it's color scheme and personality will more than likely be similar/closer to Electromon. So that's at least a couple similarities. If that line is fine, and isn't restricted due to its absence in the original series, I'll probably choose that one. [/quote] I adore Elecmon. As you might recall, I used him for Dante's partner in the previous digimon RP we were in. In either case, your crest has been reserved. When you decide on a digimon partner, let me know so that I can update accordingly. =)