[quote=@tobiax] [@Sunbather] If I may- Wikimon is the way to go for Digivolution paths. The Digimon Wiki lacks many options, only showing that which appeared in the anime for the most part, and this one called DigiDex or something similar has unfounded/made up chains that may-or-may-not make sense. The only drawback of wikimon.net is that it uses all the Japanese terms and you have to dig through top tabs for english name and etymology. [/quote] Thank you, I appreciate the help (I got that site as a recommendation earlier), it's just some of them are kinda weird, too. I mean, if the previous progression wasn't acceptable, I had my doubts about going from, say, Nanimon (a hairy brawler potato :P) to Doumon, you know? So I was a bit unsure whether or not things were acceptable, as I don't know all the newer ones too well, and mostly go off appearance.