[@Hokum] [i]-Donny didn't waste time on a reply. He took a second shot that'd interrupt Pycin halfay through his sentence, putting a hole through his torso that a seal could fit through. He'd then blow the man's head off for good measure before teleporting into a hospital nursery. It was getting near time to kill Dino. Donny's threats were but a bluff now, but Dino didn't know that. For all he knew the hitman had arranged for a catastrophe to happen if he didn't comply. Donny couldn't ram shit with his shuttle anymore either, but he figured he could kill Dino without it. After all, he could take live hostages, so long as they weren't harmed by his hand. Donny would begin gathering armloads of babies until he was spotted, teleporting with each group into his quarters. He had a simple plan. It was called Baby Armor. He still had just enough time to strap several infants to himself before his date with the Captain.-[/i]