[h2][color=662d91]The Mustaqilun Tribe [Turn 4][/color][/h2] It had truly been a worthy hunt. Even if it had almost resulted in his own death, Rukdug couldn't help but feel admiration for the deadly cat that they had brought down after the brief but deadly fight. Looking over the amount of kills it had made over its life here and witnessing not just its stealth first hand, but the speed and strength it wielded to tear down foes whom managed to either avoid or somehow survive its deadly first strike... Even the fact that even as it was dying it refused to go quietly, fighting until he stabbed it though the heart and it couldn't cling to life anymore. This was even considering that since it was in its lair during the day and the time that it had attacked Morog, it seemed like it was normally a nocturnal hunter; He suspected it had been awoken earlier then normal by their arrival and forced into a fight on unfavorable terms... and despite the number disadvantage, had it been going up against something weaker or less trained than orcs he wasn't sure who would have won. However his plans for the skin of the great cat was going to have to wait; there were a few other concerns that needed to be addressed. Morog's bones weren't difficult to gather up, through the remaining flesh and meat had to be stripped away and left behind; Nothing like rotting meat to not only attract predators, but annoyances like insects as well. Plus on a hot day it just smelt awful and ever kilo of meat that was left behind was a kilo they didn't have to carry back. Normally he would have just left the body as was for whatever scavenger could find it, but that was the old ways talking. He didn't know if there was anyone back at Riverforge that gave enough of a damn about Morog to do something with his bones, but at least the chance was provided. At any rate, he had plans for his skull... As well as that of the dead bear nearby. The child like bodies caused him to pause; There before him was evidence that they were not the only people in this new land. As he stared at the tiny bones, ideas born of pragmatism that would likely have never been considered by an orc before presented themselves to him to be considered... and after a few moments he gathered them up, placing them in separate packs to be carried back as well. They might prove useful later on... after he sent out scouts to locate the people that they originally came from. With the beast skinned, it's meat properly collected and the various collections of bones gathered up, the trek back to Riverforge could begin. As they walked through, Rukdug glanced towards Glomp... and offered the orc a rare smile. "Congratulations Glomp... when we get back home, you've earned yourself a promotion as my bodyguard." .................................................................. The discovery of Copper (alongside some gems of questionable value) wasn't exactly earth shattering, but it was a start. Nyorgha easily gave the orcs who had done the prospecting permission to clear out the rubble blocking the entrance of one of the caves, but her personal attention had to be focused elsewhere. Namely, towards the boars. The boars they had captured proved to be surprising easy to feed because they ate just about anything they gave them; Roots, leaves, bark, bones or meat.... Didn't matter what you offered to 'em they ate it happily. However, if she wanted them to prove a stable food source in the long run then as a people they needed to understand the animals better. Thus she had gathered some of the very hunters that had gone out and captured the boars in the first place to go out again... though this time with a different goal in mind. They would -not- hunt the boars or try to capture them. Instead, the task she wanted them to perform was that of scouting and observation; She wanted them to spy on the wild boars and discover as much about how they functioned in the wild as both an individual animal and as a species so that they could refine not just their domestication efforts, but also alter their pens to make them more comfortable and thus easier to both manage and breed when the time came. What they ate, how they interacted with each other, where they tended to live and what their lairs were like alongside any other details that might prove important. Granted if they saw a chance to capture or kill other animals to help them keep Riverforge fed they were more then welcome to do so, but they needed to understand the boars better. [hider=Summery] Rukdug promotes Glomp to be his personal bodyguard for saving his life: This effectively makes him a Captain in rank, alongside earning a title to go with his name (IE. The Hunter or the Liberator). Rukdug believes that 'The Protector' seems fitting. The bones of Morog and the two 'children' are gathered up separately, alongside any gear or items on their persons that survived thus far. Any meat or flesh is stripped away and left to avoid the smell of rotten meat from luring predators to the group, as well as to lighten the carrying load on the trip back. Nyorgha gives the orcs who requested permission to clear the blocked cave permission to do so, through her personal attention is focused elsewhere. Improving Food: Nyorgha has instructed some hunters to observe the boars in the wild in order to better understand the animals and thus aid in their domestication and containment efforts. A comfortable boar is easier to keep under control and work with than an angry one after all. [/hider]