[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180906/298d4d69af45070413603bd4afe23fdb.png[/img][/center] [hr] [sup][@Jollan][/sup] [hr] Nailah couldn't hide her frown after she heard what Dremmick said. The man was simply so... boring to be with. His attitude certainly wasn't pleasing, but as long as he didn't disrespect Nailah, he could be as much of a dick as he wanted... It's not like Nailah particularly cared about what people thought of her. Otherwise she wouldn't tell others so easily that she was a Priestess of the Fallen Goddess... [color=C86060]"So rude..."[/color] Nailah said, rolling her eyes as she watched Dremmick walk away towards the inn. Allard's response on the other hand was much more tranquil. Indeed, a dragonling companion was indeed quite uncommon. Even though he was cautious about the intruder, he analyzed the whole situation much better than Dremmick had. [color=C86060]"Maybe... She surely seemed to be different from your average curious passerby though... It will be fun to see where this will lead though..."[/color] Nailah said with a smirk. [color=C86060]"Oh, that's right! You still have other members of the group to introduce to me, right?"[/color] she said, changing subjects quite quickly, with an excited smile on her face. As they were on their way back though, a sudden, but powerful wave of magic enveloped both of them. Despite it's power, it was warm, comforting and calming and even though she wasn't wounded, she could feel it's comforting aura enveloping her. Whoever used that spell was certainly powerful. Nailah didn't know what it was but she suspected it was a healing spell of some sorts, especially due to Dremmick's reaction to it... [color=9ACD32]"What's this?"[/color] Nailah heard Allard's surprised voice, turning to him. Upon doing so, she noticed that it was indeed a healing spell, and quite a powerful one. From Allard's back, where previously she saw no signal of wings or anything, she suddenly saw two big wings with an surprising wingspan sprouting from his back. Allard himself seemed to be as surprised as Nailah was though. Their might was soon proved after he moved them, causing a gust of wind that made Nailah protect her eyes from dust and the wind coming from them. [color=C86060]"You're quite full of surprises, aren't you? Was that one of your friends? [/color] Nailah said with an amused smirk, referring to the strange energy while watching with satisfaction his joyful laughter. When he asked if she wanted to take a 'shortcut' while beating his wings, Nailah let out a mischievous smirk as she approached him. [color=C86060]"It will certainly be interesting..."[/color] Nailah said, walking up to him and throwing her arms around his neck, embracing him and wrapping one of her legs around his, her bare thighs touching his skin as her tail wrapped itself around his other leg. Her unusually hot skin was nothing short of maddening. Soft, inviting, alluring... Not only that but the way she approached Allard wasn't that of an innocent girl. It was of someone who knew exactly what they were doing, someone experienced who was taking charge of the situation. Just like a serpent wrapping itself around their prey, Allard could feel her powerful muscles underneath her delicate and soft exterior. That duality between danger and desire, power and beauty, was truly enthralling. [color=C86060]"Just be careful not to [I]fall[/I]... The drop can be quite devastating you know...?"[/color] Nailah said, whispering on his ear with a giggle. Something in her voice made clear though that she wasn't talking about the height... [color=C86060]"Oh, don't worry. I won't use any 'tricks' on you... not yet at least..."[/color] Nailah said, giggling. Whatever she meant by that though, it seemed she was probably talking about her abilities, which now, thinking a bit better about it, you knew nothing of. [color=C86060]"Talking about 'tricks'... I saw you looking towards that strength festival when we passed by... Wanna show me what you're capable of? Have some tricks up your sleeve yourself? Who knows what it will be the prize if you win..."[/color] Nailah said, smirking as her tail slapped his ass. [color=C86060]"Shall we go then, big guy?"[/color] Nailah said,