Rosemarie glances around the room trying to pinpoint which figurines had been added to the room, always amazed that so much can be fit in this room. She looks up as others start to fill into the room too, [color=bc8dbf]"That's a good point, Theresa..but we do have some fun doing the same thing"[/color] chuckling softly. She also glad that she not the only one to be showing up late and smiles watching one of the new guys, John, set down a platter of sushi [color=bc8dbf]"Awesome."[/color] She loves sushi and considering all the junk food they have around the table she wont have to feel as guilty about what she eats today; she smiles at John as he gives her a nod while grabbing one of her brownies, her smile widening at the bag being pushed towards her and peeking inside she blows him a kiss as a thank you. John has started to become a good friend to her and she finds him attractive too, so that's a plus, but she enjoys their conversations verse some of the others. [color=bc8dbf]"Hey Jacob,"[/color] besides her, he probably one of the only others who been apart of this group for so long. She glances around the table at the slowly arriving new people to the group and hopes most will be hanging around for the long run, catching pieces of the various conversations from around the table. She eyes the stack of growing notebooks next to Craig, again wondering what he is planning for them today knowing several times he seems to just make things up as he goes; looking up as she hears him starting to go through the notebooks finally and groans hearing him attempting to joke. [color=bc8dbf]"Craig! Gross man,"[/color] getting her notebook back she glares down at the orange fingerprints and attempts using a napkin to clean them off, as she helps to slide other people's notebooks around the table toward them. She sighs thinking that she is going to have to rewrite everything on another notebook tonight, regretting that she forgot to make his own page for review since she knows how he is. She grabs up a carrot, munching on it as she watches Craig move around the room attempting to be dramatic as he closes off the curtains and sets his music to play. She chuckles always finding his dramatic efforts amusing, its one of the reason she been with the group for so long. She blinks feeling the rumble and attempts to shrug it off but as the second on hits, she frowns starting to worry about whats happening and the fact that he locked all the doors doesn't seem all the safe to her. She covers the back of her head as a bookcase behind her drops to the floor, all its figurines shattering as they hit the ground, peeking around the table she sees the other furniture around the room starting to crash and jerks her attention up to the chandelier worrying about it falling on someone. She jumps up, her chair crashing to the ground with everything else, taking a step back from the table not sure what to be thinking at the moment about whats happening. She looks towards the light starting to shine brighter by the second and quickly turns her back on it, closing her eyes not wanting to be blinded on top of everything else happening. Rosemarie blinks at the sudden silence in the room and slowly opens her eyes staring around, logically the room should be a disaster but instead it seems to be less crowded of items and a very simple feel to it. Slowly turning around to stare around the room taking note of everything that is different, she takes a deep breath holding it for a few seconds before slowly releasing it trying to process what just happened and thinking maybe she got hit on the head by the bookcase and now she unconscious [color=bc8dbf]"Someone pinch me."[/color] She looks towards John, her hands covering her mouth as she takes in the details of his character he had submitted from the black hair and eyes to the scrawny build; looking down at herself she screams stepping back from the table seeing herself barely clothed now. [color=bc8dbf]"CRAIG!! What the hell did you do?"[/color] staring around the room wondering where the hell he went off to