[color=gray][center][h3]Characters[/h3] Males Taken: 4 Females Taken: 4[/center] [indent]Character Name: Conrad Daniel Franklin Crest: Courage Gender: Male Digimon Partner: [abbr=Unimon>Tylinmon>Sleipmon]Kudamon[/abbr] Element: Electricity/Physical Played By: [@Altered Tundra][/indent] [indent]Character Name: Diego Carson Crest: Friendship Gender: Male Digimon Partner: [abbr=Cyclomon>MasterTyrannomon>RustTyrannomon]Guilmon[/abbr] Element: Fire/Physical Played By: [@tobiax][/indent] [indent]Character Name: Izabel Kacee "Izzy" Ivanowski Crest: Knowledge Gender: Female Element: Fire/Spiritual Digimon Partner: [abbr=Diatrymon>Yatagaramon>Kazuhamon]Muchomon[/abbr] Played By: [@SleepingSilence][/indent] [indent]Character Name: Cheryl Marie Blackwell-Carter Crest: Reliability Gender: Female Digimon Partner: [abbr=Seadramon>MegaSeadramon>MetalSeadramon]Betamon[/abbr] Element: Storm (water, wind, lightning, ice, etc) Played By: [@Inkarnate][/indent] [indent]Character Name: Bianca Leonhart Crest: Love Gender: Female Digimon Partner: [abbr=Sunflomon>Lilymon>Rosemon]Lalamon[/abbr] Element: Floral/Physical Played By: [@Crimson Flame][/indent] [indent]Character Name: Ishaq Islam Crest: Sincerity Gender: Male Digimon Partner: [abbr=Ankylomon>Brachimon>Cannondramon]Armadillomon[/abbr] Element: Earth/Machine/Physical Played By: [@Stern Algorithm][/indent] [indent]Character Name: Lincoln "Link" Johnson Crest: Hope Gender: Male Digimon Partner: [abbr=Apemon>Gokuwmon>Gankoomon]Koemon[/abbr] Element: Played By: [@Denny][/indent] [indent]Character Name: Yuzuki Tachibana Crest: Kindness Gender: Female Digimon Partner: [abbr=Lekismon>Crescemon>Dianamon]Lunamon[/abbr] Element: Water/Spiritual Played By: [@Hero][/indent] [hider=Human Character Sheet][code] [color=gray][center][img]Character Header image goes here (you can find that [url=http://www.1001fonts.com/]here[/url][/img] [img]character image goes here (anime only please)[/img] [h3][color=]”Character quote goes here”[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [b]Name[/b] [indent]Character name goes here - first, middle (if it applies), and last.[/indent] [b]Age[/b] [indent]Character age goes here (11-13)[/indent] [b]Gender[/b] [indent]Character gender goes here (male or female)[/indent] [b]Crest[/b] [indent]The crest your character will receive should go here.[/indent] [b]Crest/Digivice Color[/b] [indent]The color your digivice turns when your character's Digimon partner turns to their Ultimate stage. Alternatively, you may state which color your crest is.[/indent] [b]Appearance Details[/b] [indent]Detail what your character looks like. Include physical attributes as well as the outfit they are wearing when they, along with the other seven kids, are transported to the Digital World. Even though you provided a picture, I will require at least two paragraphs.[/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Here you will detail your character's personality. The basis should be whichever crest they receive. Why do they receive that crest? What positive and negative traits qualify them for said crest? At least two, well-written paragraphs.[/indent] [b]History Synopsis[/b] [indent]You may go into detail or you can remain as vague as you want to, but I will ask that you at least explain why they're at camp. Two paragraphs should do, I think.[/indent] [b]Misc[/b] [indent]Anything you feel you need to include go here: what belongings they have, your choice of a voice claims for your character and their Digimon partner - your pick. You can list one or ten things. Up to the player.[/indent][/color][/code][/hider] [hider=Digimon Partner Character Sheet][code] [color=gray][center][img]Digimon Partner Image goes here (please use Rookie)[/img] [h3][color=]Digimon Partner quote goes here[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [b]Name[/b] [indent]Digimon name goes here. Nickname optional.[/indent] [b]Digimon Type[/b] [indent]State whether your character's Digimon partner's type is data, vaccine, or virus(virus Digimon still can be good to an extent)[/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Explain your character's partner's personality here. They should be somewhat similar to your human character since they are matched up to fit your character's personality. What that actually will be is up to you, the player, to decide. Just write at least a paragraph.[/indent] [b]Digimon Line[/b] [indent]Here you will explain your Digimon's line. Make sure it makes sense and it's not too absurd, but you do not have to follow conventional means. Additionally, link to your images instead of wrapping the img tags around them. I will also ask that you provide more information. For champion and below, no more than 4. For any above, no more than 7.[/indent][/color][/code][/hider][/color]