[hider=Lord Commander Alexander Orlan.] Name: Alexander Orlan. Title/ rank: Lord Commander. Common name: Lord Alexander. Species: Genetically modified super-human. Species description: During a time of intense war the Empire of the Third Star selected a small portion of elite troops to undergo dangerous biological modifications and become superhuman in nature. Alexander Orlan is one of the survivors of these modifications. In every sense, he is the peak of human potential. Age: Alexander is approximately two hundred and sixteen years old. However, due to the extent of his biological modifications and extended use of cryosleep and other forms of suspended animation, Alexander appears no older than twenty eight. Gender: Male. Appearance: [hider=Image of appearance.][img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0406/92/1434701151773.jpg[/img][/hider] What the image does not convey is that Alexander is a giant among men. He stands at approximately ten feet tall and is built with more muscle than most humans can even dream of. Personality: Alexander is generally quite reserved. He observes a situation and gathers as much information as realistically possible before he begins to act upon a fact-driven plan. More often than not Alexander is regarded as "Overly serious" and "Needs to relax" by many of his peers, but Alexander dismisses these critics with a shrug. When he is awake, Alexander has a task to do, and he will see to it that this task is done. Skills: Alexander has been trained extensively in one thing: War. In that sense, Alexander is also good at one thing: War. When it comes to combat, Alexander is typically lacking. Alexander is capable of fighting on the front lines and using nearly any weapon from the Third Star armory, but in addition he is capable of maintaining and repairing his equipment, and also acting honorably in the face of an enemy. Alexander has learned though harsh battle that, if possible, battle should be avoided. If a passionate speech can avoid ten days of battle, then the passionate speech should prevail before the sword. Equipment: Heavily customized powered armor, heavily customized greatsword (wielded as a one-hand longsword.) In addition Alexander has brought along a large [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/d/d3/Storm_Shield.png/revision/latest?cb=20150619161915]shield[/url] for use with his sword when he sees fit. Along with that Alexander may instead choose to use a [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/8/83/BolterAstartes_MK_Vb.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120929012124]heavy rifle[/url] instead of his sword. Finally, it is possible for Alexander to requisition support and equipment from Third Star armories, but depending on the journey's current progress such a delivery may take some time. Background: Most of Alexander's background is heavily classified, and the details that aren't are loaded with propaganda. To get a better sense of where Alexander came from you're better off just asking him specific questions. Other stuff: "With the position and power granted to me by the standing government of Third Star, I do take a solemn oath to never betray the ruling family or their will." [/hider] Here you are. Hopefully everything is in order.